Forty Three- A Fight Between Sheets

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{{{Author's Note~ I apologize in advance for how absolutely terrible our dirty minds are xD}}}

Namjoon pushed me down, climbing on top of me. He looked down upon my bare body with darkened eyes. He licked his lips, seemingly pleased with my stiffened body below him.

"Oh my little prince, you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into. Now, Hoseok and I are in control, and you will do whatever we say. Also, you must call me daddy, whereas Hoseok is your oppa" I whimpered, getting excited right after seeing Hobi roughly kissing my precious Jin. It almost gave me a sense of envy.

My attention was quickly taken away from them when I felt Namjoon at my ear. "Someone is jealous." I felt Namjoon smile against my skin.

"Maybe Jin should call Hoseok master instead," Namjoon whispered against my neck, pressing his plump lips against it. I didn't know how to feel. It was all so exhilarating yet strange at the same time. He licked softly at my neck, causing me to arch my back off the bed with pleasure shooting through me instantly.

"How is your body so responsive when you just fucked your little pet, hmm? You're a needy prince, aren't you?"

I watched in wait as Namjoon removed his belt and bound my hands tightly above my head with it. Hoseok did the same with my belt that had once restrained Jin today already. Hobi moved up to Jin, pulling him into a roughly passionate kiss. The sight aroused me.

Namjoon smirked at me before leaving me there, absent of his presence as he moved to the wall. Hanging near the door was a whip. It was one of my weapons I'd chosen to use for fighting. I was a master at the whip. He turned and came to me teasingly stroking his hand back and forth down the dark coil. He flicked it dangerously close just nicking the inside of my thigh. The cracking sound filled the room, catching Hobi's attention momentarily before he went back to ravenously making out with my boyfriend.

I whimpered with a strange excitement brewing in my stomach, my member throbbed with the desire to be handled.

"Aww, look at our baby boys all tied up, Hobi. Isn't it a beautiful sight?"

"It sure is."

Namjoon hovered above me, roughly biting at my outstretched neck. I arched my back off the bed. Our skin touched and low moans escaped my parted lips, begging for more of him.

"Your body is so responsive, my little prince. Is it because this is the first time you've been restrained? Or is it because you're just that horny?"

I knew then that it was going to be one hell of a night. And I was excited for it.

Namjoon removed the rest of his clothing now. My mouth watered at the sight of him. He was fine. He was more than fine. He was delicious.

"Like what you see?" He teased as he took himself into his hand as if to show off.

"Better not break him on me, Tae. Or I'm gonna have to replace him with you until he can heal," Hobi smirked at me.

"You sure he's not going to be breaking me?" I looked back to Namjoon's lengthy member.

"Great point, little prince," Namjoon smirked at me deviously. "Glad we established who's boss."

"Oh, well I never said all that now," I smirked and leaned up bringing my face closer to his. "You'll have to prove to me that you're the boss. Can't just win that title so easily."

He laughed slightly and shoved me back down. My muscles felt tight with excitement. My member was fully hard again. He leaned over me, his member touching mine.

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