Twenty- We Used to Be Them

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| Tuesday, October 11 2016 |

(Jimin's POV)

I woke up to a peaceful silence. The morning was dull and the sunlight was painfully bright. I rolled over in bed and stretched. I let out a groan.

I opened my eyes and looked over to Taehyung's bed. I saw Taehyung and Jin lying naked in his bed with only a blanket low over their bodies. I looked at them surprised for a moment before just shaking my head. It was expected to happen with those two sooner or later.

I sat up and got out of bed. I shook away the chill from leaving my warm bed and made my way to the main space. Everyone else was just waking as well.

Namjoon came out of his bedroom. "Has anyone seen Jin?"

I pointed back to my room. "In there."

(Namjoon's POV)

I walked to the door ready to call Jin's name when I saw the scene before me. Taehyung and Jin were fast asleep next to one another naked.

"What?" Hoseok spoke skeptically. He came up to the door and saw the sight as well. "Oh," he spoke surprised.

I grabbed the door handle and shut it before anyone else could come up and disturb them. "We'll let them rest."

"Good idea," Hoseok smiled.

"So, should I make breakfast?" Yoongi looked up at the two of us.

"That would be great. I'll help you."

Yoongi and I went to the kitchen, finding stuff to make up a good breakfast for everyone. I was happy for Jin and Tae. They deserved one another.

This would give Jin a chance to relax for once too while we made him breakfast.

It didn't take us long. And afterwards, Jungkook offered to set the table.

I walked away as Yoongi finished up the last of the cooking. I knocked lightly on the door to Taehyung's room before walking in. The both of them were up now. They looked up at me quickly with red faces and surprised eyes.

I couldn't help from laughing a little. "Breakfast is ready, lovebirds."

"O-okay," Jin spoke. "We'll be right out."

I nodded and shut the door behind me.

We all sat down to eat a few minutes later. Jin and Taehyung came out, not making eye contact with one another or with any of us for that matter. They sat quietly.

Breakfast was awkwardly silent and no one dared to say anything to either of the two about them.

"Sorry for not making breakfast," Jin spoke.

"No, it's okay. You deserve a break too. Don't worry about it," Yoongi spoke up.

"Thank you."

Things slowly went back to normal after that and we all ate as we usually did. After breakfast, we all helped to clean up and went about our day.

I sat outside lounging in the morning sun for a while. Hoseok and Yoongi joined me.

"Ah. Feels so nice to relax," Yoongi groaned.

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