Seventeen- The Crystal Compass

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| Monday, October 10 2016 |

(Namjoon's POV)

I walked out of my room in a hurry, with a frantic excitement. Please be what we need. Please, please, please.

I rushed to Jimin's room, everyone in the living space looking at me. I peeked in and saw he wasn't there. I grumbled in frustration to myself. He was never around when I needed him to be.

I looked back out to everyone. "Where's Jim-"

The door opened and he walked in. I stopped and looked at him. I couldn't have been more grateful for the timing. His mood had changed almost instantly upon seeing me. He looked up at me curiously. "What? Is there something on my face?" He looked as if he'd done something wrong.

I shook my head. My heart pounded furiously with excitement. My body surged with adrenaline. He would react the same the moment I told him. They all would the minute I admitted my secret.

I took a deep breath to collect my composure, and then I spoke. "We have another lead."

Everyone's necks craned to look at me. Their eyes widened in surprise.

Jimin looked at me shocked, and then he was turning. I rushed toward the door and slipped into my boots. I grabbed my jacket and we were out the door.

"Where are we going?" Jimin questioned as we moved swiftly down the sidewalk.


"That far out?"

"Yea. They just called and said they found something really interesting."

"Well, it better be worth our time," he smirked at me. I could see the anxiousness in his eyes.

We got into the nearest subway entrance and rode the train across the city. There were a lot of people riding, considering many people were getting off work now. They all minded their own business. Doing their own thing. Most of them, tired and ready to be done with the day. But, I couldn't have been more energized at the moment.

After a while of riding, we finally made it to our stop. We rushed off the train and into the streets.

"This way."

The streets were dark and almost vacant in this end of the city. People gathered in their homes for supper and nightly events. We walked, for what seemed like ages, through the cold and windy night. Our hearts both pounded furiously. We were desperate for answers. I saw him as we approached. He stood outside with his hands in his pockets. I would assume he was up to mischief any other time, but this time was different.

He spotted us as we walked toward him and nodded, directing us inside. We followed him in and he led us down a dim hallway to a room in the back. There were many people inside. Music blared and people cheered as they partied. Colored strobe lights filled the main spaces. People were all over each other. Drinking and smoking stuff they probably shouldn't have been.

We walked into the empty back room and he closed the door behind us, muting the loud sounds of fun behind it.

"When we were investigating this outpost, it wasn't vacant. There was someone there, but we couldn't catch him. He got away," he admitted.

I felt my mood dampen instantly. "You're kidding, right? You better have not just dragged us all the w-"

He held his hand up. "He left this behind, along with this." He pulled out a crystal contraption and a stack of papers.

Jimin picked up the crystal and looked it over. "What is it?"

He shrugged. "Looks to be some sort of compass."

I looked at it. "Yea. But, what do all of these letters stand for?"

"No idea. I thought you guys might know."

"Hm," I frowned.

I looked it over. It made no sense. It was definitely some sort of tool. And whether it worked or not was questionable. But, it was definitely something to start with.

"Well, thank you." I spoke slightly disappointed.

We shook hands. "Anytime. I'll keep you updated. Sorry for bringing you all the way out here for such disappointing news."

"It's alright. You can't find something good every time, right?"


I looked to Jimin and began to walk. He followed behind me as we left.


(Jungkook's POV)

We all waited around anxiously, expecting Namjoon and Jimin's return. I bounced my leg impatiently as I waited for them. I hoped we could go home. I hoped this was it. So, I could go home and apologize to mother. And just see her and be with her. I remembered the smell of home right now. It was such a comforting scent, but it was so distant from me right now.

The door opened and we were all on our feet.

The two walked in with dry looks on their faces. We all looked at them waiting.

Namjoon pulled something from his pocket and placed it down on the counter. We all gathered around to see.

"What is it?" Hoseok asked.

"A compass. But, we can't read it," Namjoon explained.

"What is this? Crystal?" Jin asked.

They nodded. I looked at the compass that Taehyung held now. The symbols were strange. They didn't make sense. There were two needles, both pointing at IB. And no matter what way it turned, it stayed that way. At the top, there was an H, the bottom had a U. To the left were the letters IB, and to the right, OZ. And in the middle was a B.

"We thought if anyone knew what this was, it would be you," Namjoon spoke to Taehyung.

We all looked at him and waited. Hoping he would know. Hoping he could give us something. He studied it carefully and shook his head. "I've never seen this before."

"Can I see it?" I asked.

Taehyung gave it to me and I looked at it in my hand now. I scrutinized it cautiously. I stared at it. Looking at the light spectrum that refracted through it. It felt so comfortable in my hand. It felt so natural.

Suddenly, I felt uneasy as I gazed at it. My head started to hurt. I wavered on my feet slightly and my vision began to blur. Maybe I was thinking too hard. My mind dug through all of my memories and thoughts trying to piece together even a little information to make sense of this contraption.

The symbols began to look hazy to me. They looked familiar. But, I didn't know why. I couldn't get it. Maybe I've seen the symbols?

I put the compass down and placed my hand on my head.

"Jungkook. Are you okay?" Yoongi asked.

"Y-yea I'm fine. I just need to sit," I walked to the sofa.

The feeling went away as I sat down. That was strange. I looked back to the compass curiously. I've seen those symbols before. But where?

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