Thirty Seven- Brother

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{{{Author's Note~ Making a special dedication to TheseTearsICry . Thanks for backing me up against Lin 😂. And please readers, go check out her account! She's got plenty to read and deserves lots of love ❤️.Thanks everyone.}}}

Once we arrived, the guys all looked around in amazement as I did before. Their eyes lit up in awe of the sight. It really was a beautiful place. The moon was now fully out. My marks showed under it now that I had them and my jewels sparkled beneath its special light. I led them now toward the palace. It also twinkled brightly under the night sky still.

"The palace is in the middle of a lake?" Hoseok spoke with shock. "I must be dreaming."

"You're not," I looked back to Hobi and smiled gently.

As we walked through the city, citizens stopped and stared half in awe of me once again and also to see that six angels trekked behind me. Their eyes filled with fear and anger.

"Relax everyone. They're on our side," I confirmed.

They all nodded as we walked by and bowed once again.

We soon made it to the palace, where Arian and Roan led us across the bridge and through the inside.

"Tonight, we will allow you to rest and take in everything that has happened. Tomorrow, we will discuss what happens from here."

"Okay," I agreed.

The hallways were breezy with a really sweet fragrance. The windows allowed the light of the moon in which glittered across the floor.

"These are guest quarters," Arian explained as he and Roan opened a few doors along the hallway.

The boys all looked to one another and we all gathered for a group hug. Afterwards, they dispersed among the rooms walking into them tiredly.

Arian looked to me. "Would you like to see your room?"

I nodded. As they led me away, I tried my best to remember. Did my mother ever plan on bringing me back to this place? Did she ever see herself returning here? Was she okay?

The two led me up a private set of stairs to a door. Inside, a warmer set of quarters met my gaze. The wing was rounder almost as if we were in a tower. In the center of the  space was a round fur carpet with four comfortable chairs on top of it and a glass table in the middle. The table was more like a see-through case with white sand at the bottom of it and a bunch of vibrant green plants and small seashells. There were windows all around the room that allowed the moonlight in. I could only imagine how beautiful it was when it was daylight in here. Below the windows were long blue cushioned window seats with accents pillows.

The floors sparkled with little jewels that were placed at the intersections of the large marble tiles. On the far wall was a set of huge doors. They led me over to it. As they opened it, I saw a huge bed that could probably fit the seven guys all comfortably. There were four white pillars that held up a canopy over the bed. Around the room there were more comfortable chairs and a table that sat in front of a fireplace and an identical set out on the balcony which I could see from here.

A vanity sat in the close left side with a large opening beside it. The opening had tall wooden panels on each side of it that seemed to fold closed over the opening. I grabbed them, pulling them to swing closed and saw that they were really a large four panes mirror. I opened them back up and stepped into the space. As I walked around inside, I saw hundreds upon hundreds of outfits lined both sides of the closet. Shoes lined the lengthy back wall of the closet. And there was a small button that sat on a pedestal. I pressed the button curiously and the wall split in half revealing a huge room with walls decorated in jewels. Watches, rings, necklaces, arm bands, crowns. Anything and everything. In the middle of the room was a round bench seat.

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