Fifty- You've Come For Me

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| Friday, January 10 2014 |

(Jin's POV)

I laughed as Yoongi and I sat and talked in our regular coffee shop. We made it a routine to have coffee together every Friday. Yoongi and I had become close friends over the year.

The others had almost lost their apartment when the landlord wanted to sell it. But, I stepped in and bought it for them as I could not stand to see them lose the cozy space they'd all become so fond of. Now, I lived with them in their small downtown apartment and I gave up my penthouse. They were all sweet and very welcoming to me and I was glad to help them. They were my life now. I loved having them around and they made the best family. Currently, I shared a room at the house with Namjoon. Hoseok and Yoongi shared a room at the far right of the apartment and next to them, Jimin had his own space.

I still kept my modeling job as it didn't get in the way of many daily activities. I had helped Yoongi get a producing and songwriting job after introducing him to one of my business friends. He couldn't have been happier doing what he was doing. I knew he'd hated his previous cashier job, but now that he was content, I felt better.

"They're debuting tomorrow," he went on about the new group he'd just finished working with.

"That's amazing. I can't wait to hear what you've come up with," I smiled at him tenderly.

"Yea. It just feels so good to know that I actually get the chance to get my music out there."

"I bet it does."

"Oh, and they said if they're a really big hit, they want to keep me for their next album."

"That's awesome, Yoongi. I'm really happy for you."

Seeing how excited he was was so precious. Yoongi had the greatest smile. It lit up even the darkest days. His smile could change my mood entirely. I was excited for him. And I was proud of him.

I grinned at him as I sipped my tea, but then my smile almost disintegrated. A wave of chills traveled down my spine. I almost choked on my drink. I had to pull it away from my face. Then, my head was turning. I was looking around. My heart throbbed furiously in my chest. My breathing stopped as I tried to listen for it again. I looked up to the ceiling in confusion. The voice seemed so distant, but somehow right here with me. It sounded like an empty voice in a far away place.

"I know how I will say it. What I want to say."

"Did you hear that?" I looked to Yoongi for reassurance. Was I just going crazy? Was I over tired? I hadn't gotten all that much sleep last night. But, it sounded so real.

"Hear what?" He looked at me cluelessly.

I looked around one last time. Then, disappointment filled my heart. Maybe it was just my imagination. "Nothing. I just could've sworn I heard Taehyung," I admitted.

"That prince friend of yours you were telling me about?" he questioned.

"Yes," I sighed. "I must've misheard though."


I looked to the window and blinked back my tears.

I felt Yoongi's hand on mine. I looked to him as he smiled gently. "He knows you miss him. I'm sure."

I looked at him. "I don't want him to know," I confessed. "I want him to be happy."

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