Fifty Two- The Death of an Old Generation

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| Sunday, January 8 2017 |

(3rd Person POV)

The angels had spent the little time they had preparing for war. Many had dropped the military in rebellion against their corrupt king. Others stood with him in fear. Now, the angel army met face to face with the Arcane. Their blood boiled with fear. Their hearts were weary of the cause. They'd been lied to all this time. Their memories were wiped clean of ever remembering the Arcane. They felt robbed and betrayed.

The morning air was thick as a new dark day bared its weight upon the lands of Haven.

Jungkook and Taehyung moved along before their military on horseback. They were decorated in the tribal markings of the Arcane. Their armor glistened with their magic and blessings. The soldiers had prepared them with the sacred emblems of the Arcane. They were now the race's protectors. They now symbolized their way to freedom. The other boys remained with the rear squad. They wouldn't be called in unless the military dropped to emergency numbers. Jungkook was now uneasy as his mother joined the rear squadron, persistent on fighting for her people. Jungkook wished his mother would remain safe at home.

Jungkook and Taehyung led their Arcane followers to a halt when they reached the angel army. The Angelic army, to their surprise, was larger than they'd expected it to be. But, nothing compared to what the Arcane had prepared for.

Taehyung jumped down from his horse first. His eyes burned with a fire so great. His body ached with adrenaline and anger. There his father stood before him. He had a smug look painted on his face. Taehyung held back his anger and stood tall. He wouldn't let his father get to him now. He had to keep a sound mind for what was to come. He had to make it beyond this war for his beloved fiance. He had to win for him and for his brother's people.

King Isamu stepped forward with a satirical simper on his face. For years he paid little attention to his son. But, if there was one thing he was well aware of with Taehyung, it was his soft spot for his subjects.

"My two sons rebel against me," Isamu shouted with his powerful voice. "One, a pest," he sneered at Jungkook. "The other, a royal who abandoned his people." He paced in front of his soldiers. He was dressed in armor, ready to get his hands dirty. He was used to fighting. After all, he had fought a war before. "Am I correct to assume that Jungkook influenced you to fight your father, Taehyung?" He looked to his son with a cocky glare.

"I decided to fight you on my own," Taehyung hissed. "You're a wicked king. You don't deserve the power you hold."

Isamu laughed in amusement before turning away from the Arcane. "So be it." The Arcane watched as he disappeared behind the soldiers momentarily. Then, he returned and soldiers emerged from behind the front line dragging disheveled angels along with them.

The servants were filthy and bruised. Their wings were stained in a mix of dirt and blood. Despair and pain swallowed their eyes. But, their hope hadn't dwindled. They were loyal to their loving former king. They were ready to accept him and his orders in that moment.

"If you do not surrender now," Isamu began. "I will slit their throats where they kneel."

Taehyung's body tensed. The servants before him had taken care of him since he was only an infant. They'd cared for him and cherished him. His tutor, Niko, was even among them. His neat suit was torn and dirty as well. He had a face wrought with anguish and strife. He wasn't expected to be taken. He wasn't supposed to be there. Taehyung's heart dropped in his chest. Niko had practically raised him. He'd been his guide through life. The number of disagreements they had were uncountable. But, Taehyung loved and honored him regardless. To say he was concerned for Niko's sake would be an understatement.

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