Twenty Seven- The Foreign Letter

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| Thursday, November 17 2016 |

(Namjoon's POV)

Jimin and I walked together. The night was cold, and fresh snow was beginning to blanket the sidewalks. I peeked out from beneath my hood as the crowds of people passed us. They had no clue who we were. They had no clue as to what we were up to. Nor did they care. They didn't care about our anxious states. About our excitement and desperation. Everyone just minded their own business.

We walked beside one another, leaving a faint print of our presence behind in the snow before it was stomped away by the many others replacing them. The snow flakes glistened in the night. They were calm and gentle as they fell. Expressing the purity of the night. The crisp night was only the beginning of it. This might turn out to be a long one. Or, a brief one.

Home. That's all I could think of at a time like this. That's all my mind would allow me to think of. Our hearts raced with uneasy excitement. We puffed out the hot air from our lungs at quick paces.

As we approached the building, I recognized it as it had been described. The location was not far from our neighborhood. It was only minutes away by metro.

Jimin rushed ahead of me and sneakily peeked into the windows. None of the lights were on. There were no shoes left outside to show that the place was even occupied. He turned back to me and nodded signaling that it was safe to move forward.

I followed after him as he quickly picked the door without anyone noticing and we stepped inside. I swiftly shut the door behind me and locked it. The place was pretty new. It was painted in warm tones that were washed out by the darkness right now. There was gathering dust on the ground and cobwebs in the ceiling corners. But, it wasn't old dust. It was just settling. Like the space had been previously stirred. We didn't know if anyone lived here, or more importantly if they'd be returning soon. So, we had to be quick about our search.

Jimin stepped stealthily down the hall and stopped before the first doorway. He spied around it cautiously before turning back to me and nodding. We slipped inside and shut the door quietly. The room was small with a television set and a sofa. Insipid blue curtains covered the window. The sofa was an opaque, aged, fixture with a white thread dangling from one arm where the stitch was coming undone. The television looked ancient and too heavy for the stand beneath it which looked to be straining against the weight of it. The television stand was an open case with nothing sitting inside it. The room itself, beside the two pieces of furniture, seemed empty. But, we were skeptical as always. I ran my hands along the wall searching for creases or soft spots while Jimin stepped carefully across the wooden floor listening for creaks.

We found nothing after searching a few minutes and then moved back into the hallway to search the next room. The next was an open space for the dining room and kitchen. A small fold out metal table sat in the dining space with old pillows splayed on the floor at two ends of the table. We lifted them and checked beneath the table before moving to the kitchen and searching the cabinets. I opened the refrigerator to find a cloudy space with two bottles of water and a strange flower. The flower looked somehow familiar, but not of this world. I reached for it and scooped it carefully into my hand. It was a rather large flower with green leaves at the base, smaller and rounder purple and white petals above the leaves. In the center of the flower, the small petals met a bright yellow circle where an antenna-like growth protruded from it. It was a beautiful flower. But, touching it gave me a strange feeling.

"Jimin," I whispered to him.

He looked over to me from where he was shuffling through the cabinets. I held up the flower. Immediately, he got the same look I had. A sense of familiarity with the plant.

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