One- Falling

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| Saturday, July 9 2016 |

(Jungkook's POV)

Cold. It was so bitterly cold. Why was I cold? I opened my heavy eyes to see a bright light above me. Surrounding the light was a sky filled with a rich blue hue. Sky? Why was I seeing the sky like this? Suddenly, a puff of white consumed the space around me. Within seconds it was gone. I was now beneath it. The clouds. I was falling. Why was I falling?

Wings. My wings should've caught the wind by now if I were falling. I couldn't feel them anymore. Where were my wings?

I was too tired to remember. Was this a dream? Sleep. It sounded so wonderful right now. I gave into my desire to rest and shut my eyes again. And then, suddenly, I stopped falling.


My eyes peeled open slowly as my body began to tell me that it was time to wake up. I saw the vast expanse of the sky above me and felt a warm breeze sweep over me. I felt like I had slept atop a rock for ages. My body ached with an agonizing soreness all over. I finally gained my full consciousness and stretched my limbs to relieve their pain. Once I felt capable of moving, I sat up and looked at the area surrounding me. I was lying on the hard ground. Trees and open grass patches surrounded me in the near distance. The ground surrounding me in a close radius was slightly lower than the rest of the ground and it was vacant of any living thing. Like the ground was dug up, or something forcefully impacted it, making a crater.

Why was I lying here? Where was I? How did I even get here?

I stood up slowly and weakly. But, I fell to my knees in failure, unable to regain my footing. I tried once again and succeeded. It took all the strength I had to keep myself upright. Now, I could see just over the tree line to find a city in the distance. It was a pretty odd looking city. Nothing like the capital. Was this one of the large cities of Haven? I looked to the sky again accepting the answer. The air smelled different here. The sky was different. The temperature was cooler. This was not Haven. So where was I?

I heard the rustling of footsteps among the trees before a woman emerged from the trees. She stopped in her tracks when she saw me. Fear engulfed her eyes. Was something wrong? I stepped toward her and in that instant, she spun and darted in the opposite direction.

"Wait!" I called after her. I forced my tired legs to run. "Can you tell me where I am? What is this place?"

The woman continued to run at such a quick pace I found it hard to keep up.

"Wait, please! Can you please help me?!"

I felt my toe catch against the ground and I was thrown forward. A strong surface met the front of my forehead. I cringed in pain and whimpered as I rolled onto my back in defeat. Where was I? Why was she running from me? Did I do something?

I sighed and carefully stood once again, cringing at the pain in my now twisted ankle. The woman was gone. No one was around. I was all alone. My only chance at finding out where I was at all was by heading to the city. Maybe someone more kind than that woman could help me.

With all my energy, I made my way down what I now realized was a mountain and began my journey toward civilization.


I lowered myself weakly onto a park bench. The sky was now dark and the air was chilled. The only warmth I got was from the tears cascading down my face.

My heart ached with fear and regret. Why was I here? What did I do? I felt terrible. My entire being felt shame. I did something. I felt it. I did something unspeakable. That's the only logical reason he would send me here. I remembered now why I was falling. My body felt one hundred times heavier now that I had recalled the burden I had to bare. Everything felt hazy. What had I done to deserve this fate? What had I done back home?

The tears came even quicker now as I curled in to hold myself. Why? Why had I done it? Did I have good reason? Mother. Oh, god. What was she thinking of me right now? Surely she'd heard of the terrible thing I've done.

"I'm sorry mother. I let you down. I'm so ashamed of myself. Please, forgive me for whatever I've done." I cried out quietly to myself as I sat alone in the park.

The chilled air swept over me, causing me to shiver. Was this what was to become of the rest of my life? An existence filled with bitter loneliness and regret? It was a morbid fate. A fate I had to face for whatever reason. I was no longer free. No longer privileged to call myself a being of hope and light. No longer privileged to fly.

This was the new beginning for me. A beginning I had wanted for so long. A new beginning I had searched for, for mother and I both to live together. I got what I had wished for. But, I didn't want it to be like this. This wasn't it. This beginning was a nightmare. This was an end. An end to my happiness. To my mother's happiness. And I could never go back.

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