Eighteen- The Compass Tattoo

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I walked for the door quietly as everyone continued to inspect the strange instrument.

"Jungkook, you don't look so hot. Are you sure you're okay?" Jin looked at me with concern.

"Yea. I just need some air," I explained.

I slipped into my shoes and walked out the door, grabbing my bag from the hook. The air felt good. It was beginning to feel stuffy in there.

I walked down the sidewalk, breathing deeply. What was that all about? What was going on with me? Was I coming down with something?

I shook away my faint headache as I continued to the park. I needed some time to relax alone. It was dark now, but I didn't care. I needed space. I needed to think on my own.

My mind went back to that compass. It was beautiful. So intricate and delicate. If only it worked. If only it had the answers we were looking for.

I looked down at my hand pensively as I sat at my normal bench now. It felt so normal to me. So familiar. But, why? I haven't seen it before. Or at least, I can't remember it.

I took out my sketch pad and a pencil and began to sketch the compass again. Maybe drawing it would help me remember. Maybe drawing it different ways would help me decipher the distant image in my mind.

Everything began to become hazy as I continued to draw. I started to see things. Little slivers and pieces of visions. Of a memory.

__Saturday, May 22 2004__

I panted hard as we continued to run. I ran as fast as I could like she told me to. We ran swiftly through the field. It was the middle of the night. The stars hung over us to guide our way. My heart thumped painfully in my chest.

"Mama, where are we going?" I gasped out.

"We have to get away, Jungkook. Please, try to keep up," she sounded so frightened.

Why? Why was she frightened? Why were we running? I couldn't remember.

I continued to run, clenching onto her hand tightly to make sure I didn't lose her.

In the distance, there was a person. They wore a cloak over themselves that resembled the universe. Small specks twinkled on it like the stars.

My eyes fell behind me and I saw several figures behind us. They shouted after us. They were knights. Royal knights from the capital city. They were dressed in black and gold armor that twinkled under the night sky. Whoa.

They charged toward us on horses. They held weapons ready in their hands. They were chasing us. Why? Why were they chasing us? Were they going to kill us?

"We're almost there!" My mother panted. "Just a little further!"

I sprinted alongside her, keeping up with her tiredly. We reached the person in the dark cloak and he rushed to remove his shirt.

"Grab his hand, Jungkook," my mother commanded.

"They're coming, Astra. We need to go now," the man spoke.

She nodded and grabbed his hand. What was happening?

"Mama, I'm scared," I cried.

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