Ten- Friends But Not Friends

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| Friday, September 23 2016 |

(Yoongi's POV)

I woke up beside Hoseok. We'd fallen asleep sitting up talking with one another. His head rested on a pillow against the wall behind him while mine rested on his shoulder. We didn't fall asleep like this often. But, now that we had a new roommate, we'd have to be more considerate of him.

I carefully removed myself from him and got out of his bed without waking him. I stretched tiredly before making my way for the door. Once I stepped out of the room, my eyes met Jimin who was bent over searching for something in the fridge. We had the same idea. I wasn't really a coffee person along with many of the other members of the household.

I walked into the kitchen keeping my distance slightly. "Could you hand me a lemonade, please?"

I watched as he grabbed a banana milk then slammed the refrigerator door shut and walked away to the balcony. My heart clenched faintly in my chest. I let out a sigh as I opened the fridge for myself and pulled a lemonade free. I stared at it blankly as I stood at the counter. My eyes fell back to the balcony where he had escaped to.

I quietly crept over to the door and gazed out at him. He sat with his elbows rested on his knees as he hunched over. He was a work of art in his own way. A sculpture chiseled with the most intricate detail. The wind blew his hair gently as he gazed out into the morning sky with a sad look in his eyes. He'd looked like that since I found him. Hollow and lonely. He was so hurt by the world. So angry about everything. I didn't quite agree with his ways of taking out his anger, but I understood. It was difficult to contain all of that anger inside for so long.

I wanted to go to him and comfort him, but I didn't dare take a step near him. Ever since that night, our bond had been torn. Guilt slowly crept back into my heart. I don't know what exactly I did wrong, but I never found the courage to confront him about it. I let him be and figured he'd come to me again and open up over time. But, 4 years later, he never did and I was still waiting.

The thought brought pain to my heart once again. I missed him terribly. The smiles he used to give me. The comfort he used to find in talking to me, and only me, about every problem in the world. The trust he had that I'd always be there for him. It had devastated me for the longest time. But, I learned to live with it now. And we were surviving peacefully with one another.

"Yoongi?" The faint voice startled me.

I turned quickly to see Jungkook blinking at me tiredly from the bedroom doorway. I snuck away from the glass doors quickly before Jimin noticed me and went to Jungkook.

(Jimin's POV)

I sat on the balcony and sipped on my banana milk alone. The sky was beautiful today, but I paid no mind to it as I was lost in my own thoughts. The air was chilled against my hot skin. The cool drink felt so cold against my fiery insides.

I heard faint voices inside as the others began to wake. I was almost always the first up. I liked to disappear before everyone got up. I lived here, but I was separate from everyone. The only one I really ever stayed around for or hung out with was Namjoon. He was going soft though. He spent a lot of his time here now, instead of going out to cause mischief with me.

After sitting a while alone, I got up and went back inside.

"Hey Jimin, you're still here," Jin smiled. "Come join us. I just finished breakfast. It's your favorite."

I quietly walked over and sat down beside the annoying newbie. He gave me a bright, welcoming smile. He looked like a bunny. Ugh, he was way too innocent for his own good.

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