Fourteen- Human's Poison

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I sat with Hoseok alone for a while on the futon in our room. Jimin had to clean up his own mess because I wouldn't. Hoseok and I sat finishing up our origami as Jungkook came back in.

"Yoongi," Jungkook called as he sat on the floor beside the futon.

I looked to him from where I leaned against Hoseok. "What's up?"

"Why is Jimin so mean to you?"

His question caught me by surprise. I know he didn't mean to remind me of it all over again, but I was beginning to calm down and forget about it for the night. "It's a long story. I don't want to talk about it right now. But, some other time I'll tell you, okay?"

He nodded. "Okay."

Namjoon leaned against the doorway holding a beer in his hand. "You guys up for some video games?"

"Sure," I sat up, making room on the sofa. Namjoon came over as Hoseok got up and got the controllers. He stepped out for a moment calling the others in to play. He returned with Jin and Taehyung following behind him.

We all sat down together bunched on the floor and the sofa as a big family and played Mario Kart. It helped me relax and get my mind off of other things.

(Jimin's POV)

After everything had gone quiet, I decided to clean up the food I had thrown everywhere. After I finished, I walked out into the living room to find it empty. Where was everyone?

I wandered around looking and found everyone in Yoongi and Hoseok's room. They sat having a good time with one another playing video games. Yoongi smiled again. He smiled with all of them. It made my heart tighten. Even Jungkook, who hasn't been around long, enjoyed my family more than I did.

I just rolled my eyes and walked away before anyone noticed me. I sounded pathetic in my head. Get over it. You're meant to be alone.

I grabbed my leather jacket and my boots and I walked out the door. Alone from this crew at least. I'll go find someone more suitable and worth my time.

I walked down the street on my own. The night sky reflected my dark and angry mood. The stars represented the taunting far away place I once used to call home.

I continued to walk down the street and pulled out my one cigarette I held onto for years and lit it. I watched the smoke emerge from it as I walked. It was halfway smoked by now. I only took it out when I felt overly stressed.

I stopped where I stood and watched it, debating whether to take a puff or not. After a moment, I brought the cigarette up and put it between my lips. I sucked in a thick cloud of smoke. It suffocated my insides with its horrible taste and black ominous contents. I held it in my lungs momentarily before releasing it slowly. I knew it wasn't a drug that was going to help me forget, but it would help relax me. And lately, I've needed it more. I sucked down the rest of the cigarette as I walked to the nearest drug store. I put the cigarette out and stepped inside.

It was musty and depressing inside. With dingy fluorescent lights and dirty white walls.

I walked up to the counter where a grumpy looking man sat reading the newspaper.

"Let me get a pack of cigarettes," I spoke as I pulled out my credit card.


I shrugged. "The best brand there is."

He nodded and came back with a colorful pack and placed it down on the counter. "5,000 won."

I slid my card through and punched in the pin.

"Have a good night."

"You too," I spoke carelessly and then left the store. I opened the pack outside and threw the wrapper in the trash.

I pulled one from the pack and lit it. I sucked in the smoke as I walked down the street, not knowing my destination yet.

After a while of walking, I stopped in front of a busy night club that boomed with loud music. I stared up at the sign as I finished my third cigarette. "K-Klub"

I put my cigarette out and walked inside. Maybe if I got drunk enough, I could forget the day ever happened.

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