Thirty Three- The King of Two Worlds

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| February 1 1997 |

(3rd Person POV)

Arian and his partner Roan sat quietly in the musty room. The mood in the air was very morbid. Their worry overwhelmed them. They did not know the future of their beloved Astra. The king had almost succeeded in slaughtering her. She was hanging on by a thread. Saving her was difficult enough. But, they managed to keep her alive for now.

Arian dabbed her feverish head once more with a cool rag. Slowly, Astra's eyes began to peel open. She felt the pain immediately upon waking and groaned.

"Shh, it's okay my dear Astra," Arian spoke quietly.

"Arian," she strained to speak.

He took her hand to comfort her. "It's okay. You're going to be okay."

"What happened?"

"We found you thrown in a pile of rubbish on the verge of death," Roan explained. "We brought you here to this safe house in the mountains."

"We managed to save you and the baby," Arian explained to her.

His words shocked her. She had no idea she was bearing a child. She half expected it after the continuous intolerable nights she was put through with the king as his personal slave. But, hearing it true was another feeling that she couldn't comprehend yet. She'd never had a child. Not even with her beloved deceased husband. Now, having a child as a result of rape worried her for the child's sake. How would she handle it all on her own? She'd raise the baby without a father. And more than that. Her circumstances were evidently not desirable, nor safe. She'd have to stay in hiding with the baby.

"Don't worry, Astra. You will not face this alone. We will take care of you throughout all of this. We will take care of both of you."

__September 1 1997__

"Come on, Astra. You're almost there," Arian encouraged. "One last push."

Astra was a strong woman. She'd faced a lot and even endured a sword through her gut. Child birth was tiring for her, but not as painful. She was soundless throughout the labor and remained calm as she delivered her son.

She took one last deep breath and clenched Roan's hand as she pushed. With the last tense of her muscles, the baby came free. His sudden innocent cries filled the hot room. They wanted conditions to be perfect for this delivery and the result left them all sweating messes all for the sake of the child's warmth.

Arian gently cleansed the infant and wrapped him snug into a towel and a blanket before bringing him to his exhausted mother. "He's perfectly healthy," he stated with a smile.

Roan helped her to lean up and adjusted her pillows for her to lean back on. She smiled at the baby boy that she now cradled in her arms. His eyes opened slightly and he looked up at his mother calmly as he stopped crying. The boy was her new and only purpose in life. Keeping him safe was her responsibility. Raising him to be a wonderful and loving man was her goal.

She cherished the moment as her son looked up at her with his warm brown eyes.

"My dearest son. Your name will be Jungkook," she spoke to the infant tenderly.

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