Twenty One- The Coincidental Resemblance

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| Friday, October 14 2016 |

(Jungkook's POV)

I walked out of my bedroom on a mission to find a drink. Most of the others had gone earlier in the day. The only other two that were here were Taehyung and Jin. As I walked toward them in the kitchen, Jin looked at me.

"Hey, I'm going shopping early. Would you like to come?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yea sure," I smiled at him.

"Okay, great. We're leaving in a few minutes. You think you can be ready in ten?"

"Yea I'm pretty much ready. I just want to grab a drink and I'll throw my coat on then I should be good to go."


I continued my way to the refrigerator where I fished out a water. Sipping it along the way, I went back to my room to grab my jacket. I grabbed the leather jacket that Yoongi had bought me and slipped into it before rejoining the others in the main space.

"Well, are we ready?" Jin spoke as he pulled his own coat on.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Taehyung commented.

We all left the house to meet the chilly outside. The store wasn't far from here and the walk wouldn't be too dreadful. Together, we walked down the street. Taehyung and Jin conversed about something in front of me while I walked close behind them looking out at the area, observing everything.

Once we reached the store, it felt comforting to walk inside. The air was warm and smelled of fresh produce. It was nice to tag along with the both of them. I felt Taehyung was still warming up to the whole idea of me, but Jin was nice to me from the start.

"Okay. So, we need noodles, rice and bread," Jin spoke to Taehyung who nodded and took off to go retrieve them as Jin picked carefully through his selection of vegetables.

"Jungkook, could you go grab for me a pound of shredded beef, and two packs of chicken breasts?"

I nodded. I wandered off with the list in my head. I hadn't really shopped in any of the food stores. I always just stayed around the restaurants. I walked until I found the meats and I picked out what I was told to retrieve. As I walked back to Jin, someone accidentally bumped into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I spoke as I knelt to pick up what I had knocked from their arms.

"No, no I'm sorry." I looked up to see a young girl. Her cheeks were flushed and her expression apologetic.

I smiled at her. "Here you go." I handed her back her belongings.

She blushed slightly. "T-thank you."

I continued on my way, not looking back at her. Why was she blushing so much? Do I have something on my face? I reached Jin once again and placed the items in the cart.

"Thank you, Jungkook. And please, feel free to grab a few things you want if you see any," Jin explained.

"No, I'm okay. Thank you."

"You sure?"

I nodded.

"Well, if you change your mind, feel free to grab something."

We continued to walk, grabbing items we needed. Taehyung returned with the other food not long after.

"So, Jungkook, do you know how to cook well?" Jin asked.

"Um. I've watched my mom several times, but I never really cooked myself. I've baked though. Mainly cookies," I explained.

"Well, maybe sometime I could teach you."

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