Thirty Four- The Arcane

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| Friday, November 26 2016 |

The night was cold and the wind was merciless, but it didn't stop us from getting to where we needed to be. I dragged Taehyung along without looking back. Snow fell which was now blanketing the ground. Our tracks disturbed the untouched layer on the sidewalk. I could hear the others calling in the far distance behind us, but I couldn't stop. There was no time. I couldn't miss my chance. Arian knew something. And if it was about my mother, I needed to find out. I needed to be there.

"Where are we going? Stop this. The others are trying to catch up to us."

"It's almost midnight. I can't."

"Jungkook, ever since I met you, you've been a very confusing individual to me. And it made me quite nervous because I couldn't figure you out. And now that I know you're my brother, it scares me, because I want to figure you out, but you doing stuff like this doesn't allow me to do that."

I stopped and looked at him. I felt kind of bad. I didn't mean to come off that way to him. I really didn't want to, even before I knew. But, tonight, I'd have to apologize later and just wait for him to see. We couldn't be late.

I grabbed for his hand again. "Just please, trust me for tonight. We can't be late."

Together we began to run again.

"Jungkook, wait!" Hoseok shouted after us.

We were almost to the park now. But, we were also a minute from midnight. Please make it. Please we can't be late.

I sprinted as fast as I could, Taehyung was barely able to keep up with me. But, finally we made it.

I stopped in my tracks now. In the distance I could see their silhouettes. The man that had kidnapped me all for this. Arian turned and looked at me. He nodded his head acknowledging me and he and his partner began to walk toward us as we did the same.

"Jungkook, who's that? Is this some sort of drug deal or something? Please tell me you didn't let anyone convince your little innocent self to do drugs," Taehyung spoke quietly and nervously beside me as we walked.

"It's not about drugs. It's about you," I stated. "Or me. I don't know anymore," I sighed.

Which prince were they talking about? Was it Taehyung? Or was I supposed to realize that I was the prince? A prince, really.

I stopped where I was, clenching to Taehyung's hand for dear life. I was nervous and scared. What did they have to say? What was I looking for from them? Did I want them to confirm it? How did it happen? Did they know all along? Taehyung squeezed my hand gently to comfort me.

Arian and the other stopped in front of us. My heart beat mercilessly. I felt my body shaking slightly.

"You figured it out much quicker than we'd expected you would," Arian smiled lightly.

"So, it's true then? I'm the prince you were talking about?" I sounded desperate for an answer. But, I don't know what answer. Yes or no, I couldn't decide which would relieve me more.

He nodded.

"Why didn't you just tell me when you kidnapped me? Why go thro-"

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