Fifty One- Courage

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| Friday, January 6 2017 |

(Taehyung's POV)

I sat with Seokjin leaning comfortably against my chest. Everything felt right with him near me. Everything felt comfortable and safe when he was around. It felt perfect when I could hold him like this. His head against my chest, nearest to my heart. He could hear that I was alive. I was living for him. Because of him. It beat for him. I rubbed his arm as we remembered that day when I'd come for him.

"If I ever lost you again like that, I couldn't live on," Jin admitted. "Not again. Not now." He looked up at me with his plate of food in his lap. He had a sadness in his eyes. A weariness clouded them. "Please, promise me you'll be careful in this battle."

I leaned down and pecked his lips to reassure him everything would be fine. His lips were soft as always. They tasted of the sweet vegetable he ate now. "I promise," I smiled at him. "You promise me that you'll remain with the rear squad, right?" I was confident that with our numbers and our practice, this battle wouldn't be a very difficult one. But, even if it did, I had no problem laying my life down for what I believed in. For taking my father down. For fighting our way to freedom. I would sacrifice anything for Jin to be safe from my father's wrath. I would give anything for my brother's success. If I did end up dying, it wouldn't be in vain. I just hoped I'd have the opportunity to face my wretched father before it happened.

He nodded against me. "I promise."

We were almost there. Our dreams were just beyond our grasp. With my father soon out of the way, nothing could stop Jin and I from being together in this life. No one could cast us away for our love.

"Good," I responded to him and looked up to the stars. From here, they were completely visible. No clouds scattered the sky. They looked close enough to touch. They were vibrant and twinkled like the beautiful sparkle in my boyfriend's eyes.

"What will happen once the war is over?" He asked curiously.

I looked down at him pensively. I hadn't really thought much on what was to come after this. All I knew was that I saw Jin in my future. He was my future. Wherever I went from here, I wanted him by my side. I wanted his love and his support. His kind guidance and his reassurance along the way that I could do anything.

Without noticing it, my hand had found its way into my pocket and I twirled around the small item I'd been holding onto. Was this a sign? I'd been trying to find the gallantry to do this for God knows how long now. But, I never knew when the right time was. Others said the moment would just come I'd know. Was this my sign? Was this it?

I trusted my gut on this one and stood up. I moved in front of Jin and looked down at him. He stared up at me with a quizzical look as I stood before him. He looked so precious in his curious state. It reminded me of the innocence that lied within him. Everything about him was perfect. His amazing sunshine smile. His soft eyes. His impeccably kissable lips. His gentle hands and tender voice. The way he spoke when he was upset. The way he thought and felt. Even the way he cried. He made everything look so blessedly sacred. He was all I needed to exist. He was the very air I breathed and the blood running through my veins. There wasn't a single imperfection with him.

I loved him so much. Just thinking about it left me in a dreamland state. To believe and to know that he loved me back blew me away. He, Seokjin, my Seokjin, loved and cared for me. I couldn't comprehend it. He was the prince in my eyes. He was the god and I, the mere creation that existed because of him. That existed for him and him alone. How could he love someone like me? He could have better. He could have anyone and yet he chose me. My title meant nothing to me. I was the same as everyone else. I was above no one. But, he was. He was above everyone. He was the sun and we the mere planets that depended on him. That revolved around him. Without him, my life would be dark and meaningless. And to lose him for good would be the utter death of me.

"Ehem," I spoke up. "Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?"

Everyone turned to me and quieted.

"For those of you who do not know him, this is Seokjin. Kim, Seokjin. The most precious being alive," I smiled down at him.

I watched as he quickly became flustered and turned a bright rose color.

"He and I have been through it all. For years, Jin served as my loyal and ever so kind servant and best friend. He stood by my side when I was weary of my own worth and capabilities in this world. No one across this entire universe meant more to me than Seokjin. Not my father, not my deceased mother, not even myself. And ever since I was a child, I've loved this man unconditionally. With everything I had, I loved him. But, for the longest time, I never told him, because I knew what telling him meant. And I was scared to ruin the perfect relationship we had. But, somehow along the way, he grew to love me too. And he built up enough nerve to tell me before I could him." I smiled down at Seokjin as I explained our story. "And for it, we got separated. And it wasn't until I had to live without him that I realized how much I missed and needed him. It wasn't until then that I realized how lifeless and insipid everything was without him. So, I built up the courage to find him. I built up the courage to own my feelings and I built up the courage to eventually return the kiss he'd given to me two years prior. It took so much dauntlessness to admit to him that he was my world. It took so much bravery to ask for his love in return. But, now, I don't need any of it. I don't need the courage to come to you, Seokjin. I don't need to be dauntless and brave to ask what I want to ask you now."

I retrieved the small object from my pocket and displayed it for everyone to see. There were many gasps and many awes from the crowd around us. But, in that moment, all I saw was my precious Seokjin sitting before me with shock written all over his face.

"This is a family ring passed down from generation to generation. Every king in my family has had the honor in wearing this ring. And now, I want to change that tradition by offering it to you. I want you to be my family, Seokjin. You are my king and the only one I need. And I want you to do me the honor in wearing this ring."

I lowered myself to one knee and held the golden ring out in front of him. "Kim, Seokjin," I looked at him. He and I were both in tears now. His hand was over his mouth and his other over his heart as he gazed at me. "You asked me what would happen once this war has passed. Well, I'm hoping a wedding. You are all that I see in my future, Jin. You are all that I need, and I want nothing more than for us to be the way we're meant to be. So, please, Seokjin, will you do me the honor and marry me?"

"Of course," He cried before launching himself into my arms.

I lifted him into the air and kissed him gratefully as the crowd around us cheered and applauded. I was so overly joyed. I was blessed to have this man in my life. He was my dream come true and I never even knew it all my life. He was my king. And he would forever be everything to me.

I cupped his cheeks now and leaned my forehead against his. He stared into my eyes now with his warm, teary ones. He was such a beautiful sight. He always took my breath away with everything he did. His existence was my gift. "We will make it through this war Seokjin. And then, I will marry you." I kissed him once again as everyone continued to celebrate for us.

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