Four- Party Time

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We walked up the stairs to our apartment and Namjoon opened the door. Everyone jumped up screaming.


Namjoon became flustered seeing all his friends gazing at him excitedly.

"Yah! Namjoonie's so old now," Hoseok teased as he walked up, placing a birthday hat on top of Namjoon's head.

Namjoon frowned at him playfully. "You're older than me, Hobi."


"You plotted this, didn't you," Namjoon smiled looking at him.

"No, no." He put his hands up in surrender. "Discuss this with your partner in crime," he smiled pointing at me.

I broke a small smirk. "Guilty. Now, come on. I'm hungry."

I walked over to the counter with the two bags of takeout and started unloading the boxes and platters onto the counter.

"What'd you guys get?" Tae came over.

"Namjoon's favorite takeout."

"Yum." Hoseok's eyes widened.

Everyone scrambled for table settings and food containers to set the table and after a few minutes of running around one another, the table was set and we all sat down to eat.

(Namjoon's POV)

"Yah," I got everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes fell on me curiously.

"I just want to thank you all. You're all great and I really appreciate this. So, thank you. Also, thank you for all being the family I've needed since we all met."

"Aww, stop it Joonie," Hobi sniffled playfully. "Getting all sentimental on me like that is going to make me cry."

"Suck it up and eat." I laughed and stuffed a dumpling into his mouth.

"Joonie, now that you're as old as I am, I'll let you stop calling me Oppa until I turn twenty three next February," Hoseok wriggled his eyebrows.

"The next dumpling goes up the other end," I threatened him with a smile on my face.

"So, is anyone going to tell him where we're going after this? Or should I?"

I looked over to Taehyung.

"Oh, I'll tell him," Yoongi jumped up earning a dirty glare from Jimin. He walked over to me after grabbing something from the kitchen drawer and laid out a stack of tickets in front of me.

I picked them up. "Really?" I was a bit surprised that they were able to attain these. But then again, it was probably Jimin's work, in which I didn't doubt his ability to get something like this.

"Yea. We're going tonight and we can't be late either so eat up," Jimin looked to everyone.

Everyone became silent as they ate.


We arrived at the casino not long after we left the apartment. This place was amazing. It was high end and super expensive. We all dressed up for the occasion and with our tickets in hand and our fancy disguises, we approached the bouncer. He let us in without any suspicion, and together, the six of us entered the building. There was music playing and people everywhere. Everyone was having a good time. People were cheering from wins and others were shaking their head in frustration from their losses. We all walked to the bar first. There was no celebration without alcohol. We all ordered our drinks and sat a while. The cocktails were amazing.

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