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I walked around the room thinking "what am I doing? This isnt like me.." I sat on the bed. And sighed well I hope this new start is good. at midnight I walked around the place because it was quite and everyone was asleep,i didnt sleep at all. "someones family is loaded" i wishpered as i walked threw the halls looking at the walls. "This is crazy shiz all this my life is wack right now" i said to myself. I walked back to my room and looked out the window. "Beautiful." Just then i saw something really far in the distance. It was something some what big i dont know how to explain it. Then it went out just like that. Kindve like magic. It was blue. I coult tell the building where it came from so i decided to go check it out tommrow.

But befor i knew it i was outside walking to the building. What the hell. This is weird its like i dont have control of myself..i wonder if this has some how connected to my horrible night mares. ~Flash back to nightmare or whatever~ "why is it so dark? Were am i?" I shouted. But no answer. I shouted again "where am i?!??" Again no answer. It was all black all around me. I walked but nothing changed. "Attack her!!!" all of the sudden i hear a deep voice shout that. then the setting changed. I was in some factory. And all i see are people comeing towards be with weapons. I get stabed with a knife in the stomach. "Ahhhhhh" i shouted in pain as the person slid it out my body and was about to hit me again untill i started fighting like i never have befor. I dont fight good but in here i did and i was amazing at it. I fought as they kept comeing at me with a knife i took from one of the bad guys. They were all dressed in black and had mask. And when i woke up i had a scar on my stomach as if i was stabbed there..just like in the nightmare. I had this nightmare on the bus to NYC when i fell asleep. ~end of flash back~

I was standing infront of the building. It was some hotel. I walked in and looked around the loby. "Hmm its empty this place must have used to be in bussiness but not anymore." I thought to myself. If no one is here then why was there a blue light? Its must have someone here. I walked around the hotel looking for something but i didn't know what but i had the feeling when i found it i would know. I looked in every room then i when i walked into one room i saw a person. So its not empty after all. She must have made the blue light..then i went to anothre room. There was another girl. "Or was it here?" I whispered confused. "I guess ill never know i have to get out here." I said to myself. I ran out the hotel then i just walked around the city. I saw people walking all sad as if someone was killed. Everyone was sad. Something was not right. Just then i relized this wasnt reall life. It was a nightmare. I ran i didn't know where but i just did. someone cut me on the arm. "Ouch!" I shouted as i looked to see who did it but they disapeared into a crowd. Then i was at a lake. Not just any lake. The lake i used to go to when i was a kid with my foster family. Then i fell in the not fall but pushed. By some woman and she held me under water trying to drown me. "Its not real its just a nightmare its just a nightmare its not real!!" I said screaming under water.

Then i woke up gasping for air. Not again. I looked around to see where i was i was infront of Bella's home. Soaking wet and with a cute on my arm. "No this is impossible! LEAVE ME ALONE I DID NOT DO ANYTHING LEAVE ME!!!" i shouted as i started to burst into tears. I went up to the room i was staying in. And got cleaned up. "I can't tell anyone about my dreams or any of this." I thought to myself. But the hotel wasnt part of the nightmare i jist know it wasn't. I went to the bathroom looking in the mirror. "This is crazy" i said to myself in the mirror then i got a flash back of some guy about my age. He was carying Bella's house/aparyment place. But how did he know where to take me? Then at the end of the flash back i fell in pain and hit my head agaisnt the toilet and i knocked out.


OOOOOOOOOO MYSTERY GUY? And STRANGE NIGHTMARES??!?!?! WHAAAA!??!?! all this will make sense in time. This was my chapther. Keep reading to find out what all this means. But for now read evryone elses chapther and read so stay tuned for her new chapther and HAPPY NEW YEARS! IM SO GLAD I HAD THE HONORS TO UPDATE ON THE FIRST OF THIS YEAR 2014!!!! KKKK BYEEE MY SEXY TWERKIANSSS

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