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War was raging all around me. Yells echoed across the thin metallic warehouse walls. You're probably asking how we got here. It all started this morning.

Wren came down the stairs slowly folowed by Angie. They smiled and laughed together. Sometimes I wish it was that easy for me and Kirsten, It felt like we were always getting in fights over small things. I continued to think curled up on the outer rim of the couch where no one could see me. I gazed on them. It felt weird, how they pretended to be normal, how it came so naturally to them.  Will had his arms around Bella and Spencer was in the corner clearly staring at Wren though she was oblivious. Everyone else was around the kitchen island eating cereal. I heard them talking and laughing and not once did someone stop to wonder where I was. It was all so easy for them. I couldnt comprehend how they could giggle about tlike normal teens now knowing that in 2 days they could be dead. I still couldn't rap my mind around it, I was so scared of losing my friends.

I kept thinking not even noticing that my hand was on fire and was so close to the couch. It went up in flames so quickly. Nina was emmideatly caught she screamed and everyone looked over finally spotting me. I raced to get up as everyone scattered around the kitchen trying to stop the fire.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Travis yelled.

"I'M SO SORRY" I yelled back at Bella who was shell shocked.

"WE NEED TO STOP THE FIRE, IT WILL REVEAL OUR LOCATION!!!!!!" she screamed. She wasn't even  mad and I hated her for it. I hated how she could keep her cool but the result of losing mine was natural disasters.

Kirsten lifted water into the air and onto the fire while Vin froze it over so the fire was put out. The house was still scorching hot. Everyone was sweaty. Angie had feathers burnt. Skylar was missing an eyebrow. Nina's leg was torched. Everyone was staring at me till I burst out crying.

"im so sorrrrrrrry" I cried out running away. Kirsten moved to comfort me but the door burst open sending her flying across the room.

"aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" Angel yelled. When the dust cleared we could see ERR's menacing face.

"thank you, feiry head" she said almost bowing to me before snickering. 

"we can't fight here" Addison said telepathically to everyone, "try to move this to the warehouse beside our building"

ERR's followers came in. The were all wearing blood read and black. Rose jumped to the side and we all started running to the windows. Kirsten was the first to land with a heavy thud. When the rest of us jumped she lifted so that we touched the floor lightly. When everyone was there she looked worn. I went to stand beside her.

"Are you okay?" I asked feeling very concerned.

"yeah" she replies meakly.

ERRS follows hit down on the roof emmeidetly using there magic and weapons. There was about 100 of them against the 18 of us. Wren and Angel were working together.  Angel had set a protection field around both of them and Wren was sitting in the middle mediating. I noticed people around the  feild crippling to the ground. Angie was losing to another girl with fire power. Kirsten was just randomly lifting people and throwing them far away. Her face was blue and she looked like she was going to faint of exhaustion. I was throwing fire at anyone who came near me. I never realized how many people we were going to kill today I just always thought of us dying. Rose was a tiger and was currently on a boy that looked tiny compared to her. Addsion was hand to hand fighting a group of girls with super speed. Bella was turning invisible for short periods of time and stabbing people in the back. Kalea and Zen were working toggether as well. She was holding people down with vines and he would stab them. Battle screams erupted intot the air. I smiled happy that we were winning, until I saw more people running onto the roof. It was an endless flow, so far probably even more then 2,000 people. 

"uh oh" I said under my breath.


Hey guys, this is actually Wren writing Fawn's part just because.

1) I'm sorry that this has taken so long we were seperated all summer

2) the story is almost over and if we can pull it together we can probably have it done by Halloween

3) I hope you enjoyed this please comments, share, read, and vote

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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