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*Disclaimer: A small fraction of this chapter is written for a MATURE audience. There are inappropriate parts but only a small fraction of the chapter is. If you wish to read, proceed on. If you wish to not read that part, continue reading. Once you get to that part, skip and go to the last two paragraphs of the chapter.*

School. Something I dreaded. It's not that I don't enjoy school, I mean I do. Hence my nerd side. It's just the fact that I've always gotten bullied in my old school, so I don't really like the whole feeling of it.

"Hey." Nathan wrapped an arm around my waist. I snuggled up against his chest.

"Hey." I breathed. Ever since the incident before our 'date', we've been pretty close. I guess you could say, he's my only friend.

He walked me over behind a tree next to my building. I leaned up against it as he placed a hand next to my head.

"Want to try it?" His eyes glistened in amusement as it danced over my face. His face only millimeters from mine. He gazed down at me, his lips parted.

I lightly nodded, a small smile spread across my face. His minty breath brushed over my chapped lips. His hand cupped my face, causing a tingling sensation to run through my body. He caressed it, brushing his thumb against my flushed cheek.

He inched closer until there was no space between us. "Let's go." He whispered into my ear. I could hear the playful smirk on his face. He softly planted a kiss on my cheek and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"You ready?" There was still a smirk on his face as he noticed my flustered self. I nodded and laughed a little.

He checked our surroundings before he looked over towards me, an arm around my waist while the other held a good grasp on my hand. I closed my eyes, squeezing his hand. Within a second, we were behind yet another tree, but it's surroundings weren't ruined. We were on school grounds.

"Pretty cool huh?" He chuckled at me gaping at his power. I quickly closed my mouth and shook my head, letting my fringes create a curtain around my face.

"I can totally beat you anywhere though." I smiled triumphantly. I began walking away, until his arm snaked around my waist pulling me back behind the tree.

"Not a chance, kitten." A smile spread across his lips. I wiggled and squirmed out of his grasp.

"Don't call me that." I scolded.

"Aw, c'mon. You know you love it." He pinched my cheeks. I puffed them up. "You're cute as a kitten, playful. And small." He teased and tickled my sides. Shut up. I teleported through my head. Make me. He smirked knowing I could read his mind.

I threw my hands up in defeat. I glared at him. I hate you.

His arms wrapped around my waist. "But you love me." His breath tickled the my neck, causing the ends of my hair to stick up. Indeed I do.

I glanced at my schedule, remembering I had only one class with him- well not really class but eh. We have free periods together. That's all. I frowned.

"It's okay, at least we see each other?" He planted a soft kiss on my forehead, lingering there for more than usual. "See you later, kitten." He walked off, leaving me flushed and outraged at the same time. He turned around and sent his signature dimpled smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I've fallen head over heels for this boy. I shook the thought out of my head, stalking into the building towards my first class.


The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I gathered my things and headed towards my locker. Quickly opening it, I grabbed my bag and was shocked by the sudden impact of the closed locker.

"Hello, princess." I felt a warm breath nibbling at the nape of my neck. I shuddered at the touch.

My hand tightened its grip on my bag. The hall began to simmer out as people fled to go home. I tried to move away, when I felt him pin me up against the locker.

"You're not going anywhere, princess." He snarled. His hot breath seized the side of my face. Is anyone not seeing this? He towered over my small frame.

Looking around, the once crowded hallway began to disappear and turn into the depths of a forest. The marbled tiles of the hallway began to darken and become the leaved covered floors of the forest. What once was the locker behind me is now a tall dark tree. The clock on the far side wall is now a lit moon. Everyone in the hall simply disappeared. Who is this guy? I frantically scanned the perimeter hoping to find something familiar, but it was too dark.

"There's no way of escaping." I couldn't quite see his face as it was covered with a dark mask and his hoodie. His hands firmly planted themselves on my hips, his fingernails digging into the fabric into my skin. I winced. "You're awfully quiet." He smirked. I tried opening my mouth, but I didn't know what to do. No one was there to save me. Why can't I say anything?

In a swift moment his lips connected with the skin on my neck. I shuddered as my eyes unwillingly fluttered closed. Please stop. I couldn't find the words to come out of my mouth. He continued to, digging his nails into my sides.

Sorry, princess. No can do. He smirked against my skin.

"I said stop." I pushed him off. His eyes widened. A monstrous snarl came from his mouth as he lurked forward. I quickly brought my knee up, connecting it with his groin. What can I say, it's a man's weakness. He immediately dropped down onto the ground.

The surrounding began to change back into the hallway. It was now deserted. He laid sprawled out on the cold marble floor. I quickly ran towards the entrance of the school, clutching my bag.

I came to face the back of Nathan as he frantically looked around. His beanie laid on top of his head, his eyebrows creased. I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding.

Nathan turned around and ran towards me. "Hey, where were you? I was looking everywhere for you." His eyes wandered my face then flickered to the mark on my neck.

Author's Note

Hello my bubblies! I am so sorry for the long chapter. And the mature stuff thingy. Dx idk. Soooo hope y'all like it! I should go add a disclaimer. xP

So sorry for leaving you hanging as to what Nathan thinks! #sorrynotsorry xP

We got 1.6k reads! Thank you so much guys! We all love you to bits for supporting us. Don't forget to follow our joined account and our individual ones as well!

Next chapter on Monday and will be written by Bella! Remember to read!

Bai my bubbliesh!!! >~<


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