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I check myself in the mirror one more time. I hated mirrors. Always showed your flaws. I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall. Nathan was turned around, facing the tv, his hair situated perfectly on his head. I sheepishly walked closer towards him. He turned his head and stared at me as heat rushed to my cheeks.

"You look beautiful." He breathed before standing up to fix his tux and walked over towards me.

"I wouldn't say that." I chuckled softly. I looked at the carefully designed mask I had in my hands.

"But you are." His hands caressed my cheek as his eyes wandered my face. Our faces were merely inches apart as I felt the walls begin to close up on us. His eyes trailed down to my lip, licking his. We both began moving closer, closing the gap between our bodies. Our nose brushed each other before they quickly separated as the sound of one of our phones going on.

He let out a heavy sigh before going over to retrieve his phone. He excused himself before walking into the kitchen. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding, a hand shot up to my lips. Were we about to-- My face heated at the thought. I walked over towards the entrance of the kitchen to see if he was done. Hearing him talk, i pressed my back against the wall.

"I know, there are a bunch of us there.-- Yes I know. We have our men and gals there just in case anything does happen.-- Yes I understand that half of the people there are going to be Dark Siders.-- Of course, I'll keep an eye out.-- Bye."

I heard footsteps coming closer. I quickly straightened up and started walking away to stand somewhere else.


We got to the parking lot. "So we're here." I looked over towards the driver's seat.

"Yup." He nodded before both of us put on our masks. He got out of the car to walk over towards my side.

"Shall we go, m'lady?" He said in a posh accent before lending me an arm.

"We shall." I said with a smile before linking arms with his.

We walked towards the entrance where the bouncer was. There are bouncers...for a masqurade a cafe...what the freak?

"IDs please." The bald guy said in a monotone voice. We handed them our IDs. He held them, lowering his shades. "16 correct?" I nodded. "Alright." He gave us back our cards before letting us pass.

We came in to a bunch of people chanting "GUCCI MAMA TWERK TEAM!" I could see Rose's mask from over here. She was singing and twerking her butt through the crowd.

"Your friend's quite fun." Nathan handed me a cup full of punch. I nodded with a smile.

We both stood there, our eyes dancing through the crowds, me, trying to find the others, while him? I have no clue. We both finished our drink, standing there awkwardly searching the crowd for nothing in particular.

A slow song began to play. The ballroom dance floor started crowding with couples holding onto each other, swaying to the beat. [NO GRINDING]

"May I have this dance?" Nathan lent out a hand. I gave a small smile before putting my hands in his. He led me into the crowd.

He placed his hands on my waist as I put mine on his shoulders. We both smiled softly swaying to the music. I couldn't help but let my eyes trail to where the DJ was. There were two girls with black masks, manipulating him as it seemed. He disappeared as the two girls took over and started to put on different music.

A dark and evil sounding tune started playing making every pair on the dance floor to move away from each other and gasp.

The Equality League, I believe it was them, started looking around, narrowing their eyes fully alert. Nathan stepped in front of me shielding me.

I heard a fan being opened, then a knife went up, slicing the rope that was holding the chandelier, detaching it from its knot. In a split second, I ran around the dance floor, pushing everyone that I could out of the way. I stood outside of the chandeliers reach. Standing underneath the falling chandelier was Alexander, pushing Kirsten out of the way as a guy caught her. He stood there motionless as the object above him came crashing down. I ran towards him, pushing him out of the way and onto the ground.

"Are you crazy?! Even though I don't like you, are you freaking crazy?! Bloody hell, you could've been killed and she would've been crying because of that!" I shouted at him.

Everyone started to look around confusedly as a thick fog started rising up from the fallen glass shreds, filling up the room, covering it up like a suffocating white blanket.

"Addison?" I heard a voice call my name. "Addison?" It was Nathan's.

"Nathan?" I said before getting my attention caught from a bright light pointing up towards the first floor balcony.

"Fellow supers." The girl's voice shrilled through the fogged up room. Her jet black hair fell down her back, her black mask visible. The girl next to her had rainbow hair. Which only means one thing. The Dark Siders are here.

•Author's Note•

To clarify some things, Addison is at Nathan's place in the beginning of the chapter because he invited her to move in with him because he saw the condition she had to live in. No, they are not dating. I am sorry. No, they are not doing the dirty, either. I am sorry.

Also to clarify things, yes, there are two Nathan's if you haven't noticed. Angie's Nathan is not Addison's Nathan. They are not the same person. They both are two different people. One has blonde hair while the other is a brunette. Got it?

We thank you guys so much for 5k reads. We never thought we would be this "famous". Thank you guys so much!

Next Update: Monday, March 10th written by Bella

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