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A/N: Hello everybody it's me again... Fawn... The one who burns thing.. Yea. .-. I'm sleepy. XD If you hadn't read any of the last chapter then go and do so because mine sorta leeches off of where it ended. And the last chapter was written by my awesome friend yemi/Kirsten. Hopefully petunia in this chapter won't be going smack allover Kirsten and cause the end of the world. (Geeksters joke)


Fawns P.O.V

"Hey petuina. You didn't have to help us. I could of easily got both of us in." I say folding my arms.

"I don't think burning the guy would of helped, heat head." Alex says smiling.

"What did you call me?" I question.

"Heat head. You call me petuina I call you heat head."

"Fine. Whatever." I look over to Kirsten and see that she is completely mesmerized by all the colorful lights around her. "You look like you like what you see, Kirsten."

"What? Oh! Yeah, there all so pretty." She says still gazing at the lights.

"Well I'm glad you like what you see. Now Kirsten." Alex says as he takes her hand and glides in front of her almost princely like. "Well you dance with me?"

Kirsten's eyes widen and a smile creeps on her face. "Yes! Wait... But Fawn." She looks over to me.

"You two go have your Fun, I'll be fine for now. Just don't leave me here by myself the whole time. Got it?"

"Yes!" They say at the same time. I guess that's a couple thing.

"Oh! And Kirsten." I walk a little closer to her and whisper something into her ear. "Try and control your powers. Don't make anything float or explode." Her face turns a little red and so does Alex's. I guess he heard what I said.

"I won't." Kirsten laughs. "Now, about that dance." Petuina and her walk to the dance floor holding hands leaving me here alone.

I sigh and walk over to the buffet table and grab a drink, watching all the happy couples dance on the dance floor Keeping an extra eye out on Kirsten and Petuina. Just making sure he doesn't get any bad ideas that may cause is death penalty, sentenced by me and my fire. To be honest I already knew that I would be standing alone at this masquerade, only reason I came along was because Kirsten wanted me to so badly. Just being a good friend to the only one I have.

"Sh*t." I whisper to myself.

"Now, now. That's a bad word missy." A boy with messy white hair and baby blue highlights says as he comes up to me.

"That's why I used it." I smartly say back. "Also who are you?"

"Call me 'that boy that wants to dance with you'." He smiles.

"That was cheesy." I chuckle. "And my answers is no."

"But why?" He says grabbing my hand but I quickly pull my it back.

"I just don't want to." This dude is starting to annoy me.

"It'll be fun though. I promise you." He says looking me in the eyes with his baby blue ones. Something about this guy seems familiar. Like I've seen him before. He takes my hand again this time both of them.

This dude asked for what's coming for him, fire time! I look at him as I make my hands heat up a little. But the reaction is not what I expected, I feel my hands get a bit wet and also see the surprised look on the boys face.

"Whoa." He says as he stares at me. "You're a-"

I pull both my hands away from him. "Umm..."

He gets close and whispers something into my ear. "You have powers. Don't you." I nod my head. "Awesome! What kind?"

"Fire... You're a good guy right?" I say hesitantly.

"Yup~ There's no need to worry about me trying to destroy the world. And said you have fire?"

"Yeah. What's you're power?" I feel uneasy...

"Ice. Funny huh?" He says with a smile.

I feel like I know him from some where. But where. I don't know a lot of people. Have I seen him at school or something?

"Hey Fawn. You still there?"

"Sorry. Yeah, I'm still here- Wait... I didn't tell you my name... How do you know it?"

"Oh! I'm sorry umm........ Hi again."

"Again?" I say confusedly.

"Let me explain." He takes a beep breath in. "It's me.... Vin Bruno."

With his real name said the memories come back to me so easily as if it happened yesterday when really it was about 3 years ago.


A/N: And that ends my chapter I hope you like it. Sorry if it's short. It's Good thing Kirsten and Petuina didn't end the world. XD (Geeksters joke again) Well whatever. This chapter was written my me @VodkaLady~ Follow me if you'd like and be ready for the next chapter to come. Oh and how do you like the hole Fawn calling Alex Petuina thing? I think it's pretty funny. Kk that's it for my talk... eh.... Writing random stuff. Bye now~ >~<

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