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The copter blades spun making that weird chop-chop noise that usually drove me out of my mind but right now, I couldn't care less. Below my, my mansion was ablaze with lights and I could hear people yelling from up here. I looked wistfully down, forgetting my fear of heights. I'm not a party girl but Dark Side victory parties are unbelievably awesome. Plus I was pretty sure that Axel and Trent had took a group of people to grocery store to pick up the drinks (you all know what I mean).

Angie, Wren, and I were going back to ERR, this time to introduce Angie and claim our prize. Wren was gazing longingly down at the party while Angie tapped her foot nervously on the floor. As the picture of the large mansion faded from view I had an uneasy memory of me asking Bella about ERR's powers. I shook my head, trying to clear that image from my head. Then I took a deep breath. I'd visited ERR plenty times. Nothing different would happen.


The secretary greeted us with a smile. "Great job out there guys. I heard that you completely creamed them! ERR will see all three of you now."

I smiled but that same uneasy feeling was back. We followed the secretary towards ERR's office. She opened the door for us and closed it behind us.

I glanced around but what caught my eye were the red stains on the desktop.

“Is that...blood?” My voice sounded hesitant.

"No! It’s salsa. So I heard about your victory." ERR's voice came from in front of the desk. This time I could see her. Kind of. He face was covered by a mask and she wore long sleeves and gloves. This was the first time I saw her not sitting behind her desk. The uneasy feeling was on me full force now.

I bowed my head respectfully but I kept my eyes on ERR. I glanced left and right to see that Angie and Wren were mimicking me.

"The three of you are amazingly powerful Supers and I'm afraid I can't have you guys around anymore," Her smooth voice said.

"Wait, what?" My senses were fully awake now and I clutched the knife I had hidden in my sleeve. I glanced behind me at the door, expecting an army of Dark Siders to burst out.

She fixed us with her icy gaze and raised her hands.

“NO!!!!!” Wren tackled Angie and me towards the door. It was almost like lightning. It struck Wren so fast and so hard that she flew back into the wall and collapsed.

“Run!” Angie and I dragged Wren out with us. Wren’s face had gone slack and she seemed to be frozen.She was partly rusted and very hot. Angie and I raced down the hallway, shoving people out of the way.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” A girl complained loudly. I flipped her the bird and continued to run.

“Sh*t,” Angie cursed. The helicopter was gone. There was no way we could possibly escape. Then I heard that irritating chop-chop sound. Another helicopter with the word “Ericson” on the side was approaching. Bella threw down a rope ladder and gestured for us to climb.

“Angie, hold onto Wren’s arm and start flying,” I commanded, hearing the voices of Dark Siders coming closer. I held onto Wren’s other arm and we flew up towards the helicopter.

Bella pulled us in. “Are you guys okay?”

She sat, still in her masquerade dress with Rose beside her. I guess I should’ve known that Rose was a Super. Bella looked... I hated to admit it, but elegant while Rose was looking down awkwardly. She seemed kind of out of it, I assumed she was still a little tipsy from the Masquerade.

“Wren’s not. She’s limp and barely breathing and bleeding out...almost, I’m not sure what happened to her. Angie can you heal her?”

Angie nodded and went to work.

“How the hell did you know where the Headquarters are?” I hissed at Bella.

Bella shifted nervously. “Well I had a vision-“

“And how the hell does that explain how you knew where we are?”

“When I found out that ERR had the power to take Super’s powers-“

“Wait, you knew all along? Why didn’t you tell me!?”

“Stop interrupting!” Bella exploded. “I’m trying to explain!”

“So explain. Cause I have a really strong urge to toss you out of your own ride.” I crossed my arms and glared at her in, what I hoped, was a threatening way.

Rose glared at me and took a step, looking like she was going to attack me. Bella put her hand on Rose's shoulder and took a couple deep breaths trying to calm down. “I had a vision about Wren so I came to help. I’ll try to explain more when we get to my house.”

“And why are we going to your house?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Because yours is overrun by Dark Siders, who are probably not going to help you.”

I made a face. She had a point there. The Dark Siders only followed ERR.  “Why your house? Can’t we stay at a hotel or something? I don’t trust you.”

“Why not?” She demanded. I think she was finally starting to get frustrated.

“If you warned us about ERR’s powers, we might not be stuck here right now!”

“Well, I’m sorry! I didn’t think something this bad would happen!” She looked so guilty, I wanted to forgive her.

“Sorry doesn’t make it any better,” I said coolly.

“Let me make it up to you guys,” Bella began in earnest. “I can help-“

“And how do we know it’s not a trap?” I fired back at her.

“I swear this is not a trap. I’m just trying to help. Besides you can’t afford to be picky right now.” She had a point.

I opened my mouth for some sarcastic comeback but behind me Angie gave a yelp of happiness. “She’s awake!” I turned to see Wren conscious, sitting up on the makeshift bed that Angie made out of jackets that were drowning in blood fast.

Angie and I both tackle hugged her. Wren gave a little smile then said something that kind of made me wish she was still unconscious. “Angel, I want to stay at Bella’s house.” She murmured then  passed out again. Angie rush back to her side, muttering words under her breath and adjusting the jackets.

Sometimes, I really, really, hate my life.


HELLO MAH PEOPLES!!!! Sup? HAPPY PI DAY!!!! WEEEEE!!!! I'M ON SUGAR RUSHHHH!!!!! WEEEE!!!!! Anyways, thanks for reading., Please vote, comment and follow! BUH BYE MAH LITTLE PEEPS!!! ~Angel  >:)

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