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A/N: Yay~ Chapter~ >~< You already know it's VodkaLady here~ Enjoy~ ^3^ Oh and I hope read Kirsten's chapter first! You better have! Or I'm a smack a b****! XDD


Fawns POV

The rain outside was hard and the panicked breathing coming from Kirsten was even harder. She was pacing back and forth in are room and was whispering little thing, that I didn't catch, to her self. While I was siting at the edge of the bed just thinking about what just happened.

She finally stopped looked over to me and spoke. "I have to go to Xander."

"Kirsten I know you're worried but we can't leave. And you really hurt." I know I'm being a little over protective but that what I gotta do. Don't get me wrong I'm really worried for Alex and I really just wanna drop everything and fly over there to check on him.... But we can't.... I feel like punching in the wall...

"I don't care! I don't!" Kirsten yells running her hands through her hair rapidly. "Did you even see how he was on the computer!? He's in trouble and pain and.. and.... I gotta help him!" Kirsten starts walking to the door but I beat her to it and block the exit.

"Kirsten! Stop! You're hurt-!"

"So is he!" Her breathing was very heave and her eyes where full of worry, rage, and sadness.

"Kirsten I understand-" I was cut off again.

"No you don't! You don't understand! You where alone your hole life! You had almost no one to love! And then when you did he was taken away from you! You had nothing! So you don't understand!" My heart felt like it sank to the bottom over my stomach as it twisted and turned in every direction. I almost couldn't believe the person I cared for just said such thing to me....

I could see the instant regret and guilt in her face "Fawn... I'm so sorr-" This time I cut her off.

"You're right. I guess I don't understand......" My voice becomes cruel and my gaze is hard. "Do whatever the hell you want. I don't give a f*** anymore." I walk back to the bed and lay on it not taking another look at her.

"Fawn! I didn't mean it! I'm sor-" I sharply turn my head to look at her dead in the eyes.

"I said I don't care! Just leave me alone!" I yell as my hair bursts into flames but quickly goes back to normal. "Just.... Just leave.. I need to think..." I turn my hole body so I wasn't facing her, only the blank wall.

Not another word was spoken. I hear the door open and close, she had left. My eyes start to water as my throat gets tight. No! No crying right now! Wiping away my tears I sit up and look around the room and then out side at the rain. God I hate rain.... Especially this one.

So many thoughts run through my head. 'Did we really just fight?' 'Did I just loose my best friend?' My thoughts where cut short as the door opens. I was expecting Kirsten but instead it was Bella.

"Hey. Fawn. We could use your help out here. You know cleaning." He says with a calm, happy attitude.

"Yeah. Oh and Kirsten-" She cut me off. Man everybody's cutting me off today.

"Yes. I know she left. It's ok." She walk up closer to me. "She very hurt. I wish she didn't."

"Yeah..." The room was silent for a minute, I could feel Bella was thinking hard.

"Let's get to cleaning shall we?" Bella says looking up at me.

"Uhuh." We both walk out of the door and down to the leaving room where some other people where cleaning.

"Ok you can help here and I'll be upstairs cleaning what up there. Call me if you need me." She smiles and walks back upstairs.

Cleaning. I kind enjoy it. It gets my mine off things. I did it a lot when I was in Italy. It was one of the thing I did when I wasn't out on the big rock.

I had my headphones on so I didn't hear anything but the music. I'm listening to the song 'New Perspective' by 'panic at the disco' I know there an old band but I liked them. I suddenly feel someone tap my shoulder. I look and see Kalea with a big smile on her face.

Taking off my headphones look at her. She's really girly she always had girly clothes on and her power was flower power. It's cool I gotta say but has a lot of flowers everywhere sometimes.

"Hey Fawn!" She said with a bubble voice.

"Oh, hi Kalea." I said normally. I never really talked to people besides Alex, I guess Vin and..... Kirsten.

"How are you? Oh! And where's Kirsten? You two are always with each other."

"Oh... Eh.... She went out.." My stomach turned to hear her name be said out loud.

"Oh. Ok. Lets talk and clean." See says as he starts to clean. I really didn't feel like talking but being rude and telling her to leave me alone wasn't an option.

"Um sure." I start cleaning with her as she starts saying something about Zen. I kinda wasn't that much paying attention to it but enough attention so I could add little comments here and there. I was think about Kirsten the equality league.

The equality league kinda pisses me off. They think there all that sometime's. I don't like it. Oh yeah! Vin's in the equality league. Now that I think of it I haven't talked to him ever since the ball... That kinda sucks. I hope he hasn't turned into a jerk over the years. That would suck too. He was so kind when we where young. I wonder what happened after he got taken away... I'll ask him the next time see him. For now I gotta clean and think about the equality dweebs and Kirsten. If I like it or not. Oh and try to follow along to Kalea taking about Zen.

I'm gonna have a lot of fun.... Damn it...


A/N: Heyyy nonexistent readers~! Howww's it goin? Good? Good. I hope you liked this chapter~ It was written by me VodkaLady~ I hope it wasn't bad. >~< That would suck if it did. Well whatever. Say aware! Roses chapter is coming up next! She gonna be twerking all up in yo face! XDD Lol. See ya next time nonexistent readers. :)

P.s: Oh and how do you like panic at the disco? huh? huh? XD Check there music out I love them.

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