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A/N~ Hey, so I'm sorry about my previous chapter, something weird happened with my computer and it didn't save. But I'm working on it! Also, I'm sorry it's late, sort of, but exams are coming up and I had to study. And that it's a little short. Anyway, you only need to know a few things about Bella's powers: She can sense a person's powers and loyalties (Like, if they're good or bad, even if they don't know themselves), as well as if they're lying. Last thing. I know this is supposed to be in chronological (did I spell that right?) order, but I really wanted to explain what happened after Rose came home. That is all. Read on:

I sat awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't get to sleep, it was a restless night, and Rose's little trip didn't help a bit. After all, I think I'd notice when a person disapears from my "radar". I sat there for a while, I wasn't sure how long, until I decided to go downstairs for a glass of water. I stood in the kitchen, thinking, when I sensed Rose again, as well as another person I didn't recognize, but I knew he or she wasn't a threat, so I wasn't scared. There was a rap at the glass door, the kitchen door was closed at the time, so I went out to investigate.

I stepped out of the apartment into the cool night air. Even though it was just August, the weather was already starting to become brisk, and I hugged myself when the wind blew. Rose was lying at my feet, sleeping. Every once in a while she would moan and roll over. Whoever brought her left her curled up on the concrete, with a jacket as a blanket. I ran to the edge of the terrace, looking over to try and see who had brought her, but I knew it was hopeless. The buzzing in my ears was already gone, and with it whoever that was.

I slowly dragged Rose inside, I didn't want to wake her, and draped the jacket on the back of the couch. I'll ask her about it later. Slowly, slowly I inched Rose up the stairs. As I did so, I thought to myself. Who was that person? Obviously they had powers, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to sense them. Or get on or off the terrace without me noticing, for that matter. My mind reeled as I gently put Rose on her bed. I started to walk back across the hall to my room, then remembered my water.

I went back downstairs to get it and was going back up when something caught my eye. The design on the jacket. I hadn't noticed it before because it was black on black, the only difference was the design was made with a material that shone in the moonlight, and the moon had been covered by clouds when Rose was outside. The design was interesting, classic yet unique. It was just a simple hourglass, but with an infinity sign crossing at the point where the two vials would normally meet. It seemed so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. It must be a hero symbol. Shaking my head, I placed it out of my mind and went back upstairs to collapse in my bed. Almost immediately I fell asleep.

It felt like I closed my eyes for just a second before I woke up the next morning. I sat up straight in my bed, flinging my legs over the side. I got ready for the day, then walked across the hall to Rose's room. I knocked lightly on her door.

"Rose? You up?"

She opened the door sleepily, but she was in different clothes from yesterday so I knew I hadn't woken her. "What?"

I grinned, grabbing her wrist. "C'mon. Today I'm going to show you all the sights a super can see in the city." I pulled her down the stairs, standing in front of the fireplace. "This is our first stop."

Rose raised her eyebrow, causing me to laugh. "The fireplace?" She said sarcastically.

"Sorta." I pulled the figurine, causing the staircase to spiral down. "Ta da!"


"I know, right!"

We walked down the stairs. Rose spun around slowly, taking in all of the sanctum. "It's amazing!"

I smiled. Wait until she saw the other things I had in mind. I gave her the full tour, including what I now decided to call my Summoning room, as it was where I usually summoned the dead to help me. After my 16th birthday, my grandmother had trained me to harness my powers, and I'd been able to successfully summon a non-clairvoyance-user. I'd even been able to see a little bit into the future! Nothing big, though.

As we packed up our things, I slipped the jacket into my bag. I didn't know if I would need it.

"Where to next?" Rose asked me while in the elevator.

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