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"Party..." I muttered. "I'll help clean." I reached for a plastic bag before Fawn stopped me.

"Kirsten, you're not in the best shape yet. We should head to the room." She stated in her Italian accent.

"But I'm fine." I looked up at her.

"I don't think you're so sure about that. You almost passed out on your way here." Fawn pointed out.

"Fawn's right, Kirsten." Angie said, looking up at me.

"C'mon Kirsti." Fawn put a hand on my hand. I just looked up at her and scowled a bit.

It's not that I didn't like that Fawn cared, I just felt that she just cared too much. She wasn't wrong though. I haven't been my best the past few weeks. Even during the battle, I wasn't so great.

I plopped down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, staring at the chandelier above me. "I miss our building. If we were there right now..." I pointed my finger up to the ceiling and twirled it around, causing the chandelier to spin gently. "there would be posters completely covering the ceiling. This one is way too clear."

"Mhm." Fawn nodded from the couch in front of the bed.

Suddenly, lightning striked out of nowhere, and began to rain terribly hard. After only a minute, the rain completely stopped. But there was still a crazy amount of lightning in the sky.

I looked outside the window wide eyed, then at Fawn. "Xander..."

"What?" Fawn sat up from her slouching position.

The humming in my head began again, and gripped for a quick moment. "Ugh, Steven why?"


"There's something wrong with Xander." I grabbed my laptop and opened it quickly, immediately calling Xander on webchat.

It wasn't long until he answered. "Kirsti. Hey." He breathed out.

"Xander, is there something wrong?" I asked, looking frantically at him.

His face was pale, and his forehead was visible, beads of sweat on it. His hair, now a bit longer than the last time I saw him, was pinned back with red bobby pins and looked damp. I noticed that both Xander's highlights and eyes were lighter than usual. His glasses were abandoned as his eyes shone brighter than usual. He was breathing heavily and had a nervous feel to him.

"I... I don't know. I've been like, glitching or something since a while ago." He ran a hand through his tangled hair.

"Glitching?" I heard Fawn echo. After a few seconds she was next to me, also staring at Xander. "Woa petunia... what's going on with your eyes?"

"I know!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly the lights in his living room flickered on and off and another loud thunder blast exploded out of nowhere. He yelled out in sync with the blast, as if he was in pain. He grabbed the pillow behind him on the couch and instinctively gripped on it. His eyes were tightly closed and it didn't seem like he wanted to open them.

"Yes, there's something wrong!" He yelled, rocking back and forth.

"Xander, calm down!" I yelled back.

"I can't!" He looked up at me, his eyes now even lighter than before. How light could those electric blue eyes get? "Kirsten help me!"

"At least tell me what's wrong!" I told him, panicked. Fawn was just starting at Xander.

"I told you, I don't know! My powers have just been going out control. First it was just the electricity, then my hair, the weather, and now THIS!" He pointed at his eyes. I could see veins popping out in his arms as he tugged at his hair.

A light popped behind him, causing sparks to blow out. The connection on the webcam began glitching.

"A-alex?" Fawn said, her eyes widening.

"Okay uh... I think I need to go now..." Xander's breaths slowed down and he got quieter, but he was still rocking back and forth, and there was still chaos in his living room.

"What? Xander, no!" I looked frantically at the laptop screen.

"Seriously..." He opened his eyes, still looking down. The glow from his terribly light eyes was visible.

"A-alex!" Fawn exclaimed again.

The glitching got worse, and the lightning outside was at its worst.

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out..." Xander said softly. "Yea uhh... bye."

With that, another light exploded in his living room, the laptop went dead, and all the lights in the penthouse, noticing from the sudden yells outside the room, went out. All that was left to hear was my panicked breaths and the sound of the sudden rain (A/N: Rain Sound... yea...) outside.



Umm... yea... well bye now, I guess. Even I'm confused by this myself.

Yea... I'm late... I know.... Stupid phone decided to glitch out on me at the last minute, so I'm on the computer.... Oh look! More glitching! Thanks Xander...

Anyways, look out for Fawn's chappie on Monday. Love you cheonsas. Thanks for... 16K... wow.... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUU!!!!! This is why I love all you and you're my cheonsas! >~< Well bye now I guess... I'm still mad my phone... welp bye now! ~ Kirsten xx

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