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It was pitch black. Nothing to be seen anywhere. I ran. And ran. But got nowhere. I shouted. No answer.

I soon got the feeling i wasnt in the real world. Like i was in some...evil world...a..demon world possbily. "Get her!!!" Voices shouted. My heart pounded and i ran trying to get away from the voices. I felt like people were watching me but no people in sight anywhere.

I heard voices. And horses riding towards a battle. Possibly a war. Tears streamed down my face. "Where am i? What did i do to deserve this??!?!?!" I took another step towards...nowhere..and something went through my stomach. Like i was stabed. Well i was stabbed. Their was blood pouring out of me like a waterfall.

I screamed in pain. I felt something cuting me all over my body. Knives maybe. Or very sharp in the scary movies. I was being attacked by things. My skin covered in my own blood. I felt like i was going insane. It kept screaming in pain. I know this is real. It didnt feel fake. It felt like 100% real. Im lost in some pitch black dark world. My Hell!

I heard my name being screamed by my friends "ROSE" "ROSE" "ROSE" my names being shouted by everyone. The Darksiders. The Defenders. Everyone.

Im dying slowly in pain in this horrible place. I didnt know what to do. But the voices screaming my name wasnt actually them. I felt it in my bones. Everyone probaly thinks i snook out like usually do when trouble or when fights or when things go bad happen.

Everyone probaly thinks im just being me.

I felt something tied around my face. I touched my face with my shakeing hands. It was my mask.

Things kept on attacking me.

I then heard a womans voice.


Her voice sounded so peaceful. I wanted to hear her voice again. Their was something about this womans voice. Something about the way she spoke. Like we had a deep conection.

She spoke again.

"Rose..Rose..this is the nightmare land. You control it. Its your own mind.." her voice faded.

"COME BACK..come back..please.." i tired to run towards the voice. But again i was going nowhere.

I felt a conection with this womans voice. This voice could only belong to a careing a was mothers voice....

A/N:ok well thats a cliff hanger. So many songs helped me write this chapter. Songs about being broken hearted and songs about a drunk father.i feel like this chapter really connects to Rose's past and her back story. You guys will find out more about her past and her parents in the second book.

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