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I tried to cope with my memories but I wasn't doing too well. I looked in the broken glass on the floor seeing a slight reflection.

Smudged eyeliner, smeared mascara, and gone lipstick. Just as memories of last night drove by in my mind.


"Zen!" I yelled for him, trying to see through the fog that had just emerged into the air. "Zen, where are you?"

No answer. But instead I got one (not exactly the one I was looking for) from someone else above all the noise.

"Fellow supers! We're terribly sorry to ruin your little masquerade." Angel. It couldn't have been anyone else. That sweet yet evil voice was too obvious.

She got interrupted by I'm guessing one of her Dark Sider friends. Then I heard a thud, deafening feedback from a dropped mic, and a curse word from a now angry Angel.

With that, random fights rang out all over the place. Dark Sider versus Hero, Dark Sider versus Dark Sider, Hero versus Hero. If they had someone in front of them, they were fighting them.

I walked in front of me, not knowing at all what direction I was going. I dodged random flying knives, kicks, and punches, getting the occasional small cuts wherever I felt something. I ignored them and kept walking. I was stopped in my tracks by what felt like a strong sudden blast of wind. By the next second, the fog cleared and I could see everything.

I stared wide eyed at the boy in front of me, which I quickly recognized as Spencer.

"Hey." He nodded at me.

"Thanks for the blast." I quickly replied.

He turned around to help his friend with the white hair and baby blue highlights.

I examined the walls of the room, seeing if I could find a window. To my luck, I quickly found one at the top of the wall I was closest to. I raised my hand in its direction, then jerked it back as if I was pulling something. Quickly, a vine broke past the glass and extended towards me. I took it and pulled myself up so I could get a full a view of what was going.

Fighting, fighting, fighting, that's all I could see. But one situation did catch my eye. Two girls were somewhat fighting at the other side of the room. One of them, I could tell by the fact that she was floating on a sign, was Kirsten. She was trying to get the mask off the girl she was "fighting."

After not much time, she successfully got it off. The other girl, now covering her face, violently swung her free hand out, causing Kirsten to fly back towards the wall I was at. She hit it hard about 5 feet to my right. I shrieked as she fell to the floor, definitely unconscious.

I looked back at the other side of the wall to see fireballs being chucked at that wall. Fawn was furious. Each fireball she threw was dangerously close to hitting the girl who had Kirsten had an encounter with.

That was the last thing I saw before a dagger flew towards me and whipped across my left hand, leaving a gash. I lost my focus and let go of the vine. With that, I fell to the floor myself and immediately hit my head, getting knocked out.

-End of Flashback-

I looked down at my blood stained hand, closing it in pain. I looked around and observed the room. Shattered chandelier right in the middle of the room, wrecked stage, broken tables, spilled punch and scattered snacks. Some masquerade, huh?

I ran outside, quickly being met with journalists and news reporters who came out of nowhere.

"What happened here?" "What is this place?" "What happened to your hand?" Questions were thrown here and there.

I looked at all of them, then walked past them, not in the mood for any questions.

I walked down the alley, looking down at my torn up and stained dress and grumbled. "Where is Zen anyway?"

I saw the rest of the Hero's and walked towards them.

"Hey you guys cooping ok?" I asked directly looking at Kirsten to see if she found Alexander after the fight. "Startled a little, that's why Alex isn't with me he went to his place to get some sleep!" Kirsten said while straightening her dress that had rips and blood on it. "Really I haven't seen Zen since the beginning of the fight I guess I'll call him soon."

"Hey we are all trying to coop I bet he is just tired like Alex, and wanted some rest or time away from supers" Addison said while yawning from fighting all night. "Yeah I bet that's right."

I turned to see reporters crowding us again! "Who are you?" , "What are your powers if you have any?" , "Are you the good ones?" We all walked away, some going with others and some by themselves.

I started walking towards Central Park and took out my phone from my blood stained purse that matched my blood stained dress. I clicked Zen's contact to call. "*Ring, Ring, Ring* Hello? Who is this?" I heard a sweet voice, a girl's what was Zen doing with a girl? "Who is this I'm Kalea, Zen was with me last night..." I got cut off with another voice in the background a way familiar voice. "Hey who are you talking to? I need some help please!" ....

That voice was Zen's voice, I knew it. I hung up and ran home.

I plopped on my bed and hit an instant sleep.

*Knock, knock, knock* I woke up and glanced outside to see two people wearing masks.

"Hey missy let me just tell you we are not done with you and your super buddies watch out bitches and tell your friends the same!" I stumbled and tried to contain myself.

But I knew there was no turning back now. We had to finish the Dark siders before they finished us!

*****************AUTHOR NOTE**************

Omg I hope u like the chapter WHAT HAPPENED TO ZEN well I would like to thank @yemiluvsu aka Kirsten for helping me thx so much!

Hope u liked it I really did well ttfn Hipsters and thx for 5K

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