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Hey guys I know my chapter was long but hope you HIPSTERS liked it! I've been so busy with school, holiday, and social (not that I have much of a social life) that this might be a tad rushed... but hope you like or love it!

I walked up to the huge plain building I would call my school. My second day in the high school my parents sent me all the way from Toronto, Canada to New York. I couldn't believe it I know I've already had my first day but today I would not be a loner and hopefully find someone who could relate to me.

As excited as I was, I was just a tad bit more nervous! The bell rang I knew if I procrastinated any more I would be late... and that would be such a good example as the new kid (note sarcasm).

I walked in being in a blob of different people tall and short pushing me around! I inched out of the group right while the blob was passing my locker.

I opened my locker... hardly remembering my combination. 30-48-10, done confusing but manageable. when I opened my locker a piece of paper fell out, I reached done to pick it up to see writing. Wow my second day and already a note, Cool! 'Hey Kalea meet me and Rose by the staircase near the cafeteria for lunch- Bella' wow I was surprised she went to this school I didn't see her yesterday!

I went to Italian first we were paired up with someone to create an Italian dish with and explain what we did to prepare this... My partner there was an odd number of people so I got 2 people in my group with me. One was Kirsten and Fawn, Fawn was Italian so that would be helpful, and Kirsten was British she seemed sweet and she already knew Fawn so I would just have to catch up. We agreed that tomorrow we would all get together at my house after school, even know my house isn't really a house but they soon would know.

Next was Creative Writing, finally something I was good at. Our assignment was to write a short story about someone who is abnormal in any way a fictional character obviously.

After that was Chemisty, Dance and then lunch. I was happy I wouldn't have to be a loner at lunch. I went to the only staircase I knew of near lunch and there they where.

"Hey guys thanks for inviting me to sit with you!" I announced while looking around to see that not many people sat around there. When Bella saw me she winced a bit, like my arrival physically hurt her somehow. She closed her eyes, and her face relaxed. "No problem your new and shouldn't be a loner!" Rose anticipated she was so sweet!

Lunch was stuffing with all the food and information I toke in. Periods 5,6 and 7 were History, Calculus, and Art which was cool!

In 7th period Kirsten was in my class and we talked. "Hey me and Fawn are busy tomorrow to work on our Italian project can we today?" I didn't know what to say my 'house' was anything but a house! "Um ok just meet me at Central Park 'k?" I asked kinda pushy but I didn't want to look like a weirdo in my house, so my plan was to run home as fast as humanly possible! "Ok I'll tell Fawn. see you later!" Her sweet british accent woke me up from thinking.

The final school bell rang and with that I was out! I ran to my locker got my stuff as quickly as possible as I saw a note fall! 'Hey I've been watching you, you better watch out- anonymous ' I felt like falling it was only my second day, I quickly got back to my motive and moved this note into my coat pocket!

I quickly ran all the way outside school, jetting past everyone and thing! I ran right through all the traffic and everyone causing people to spin in their own directions.

When I got to my 'house' I didn't know what to do... I looks around and in my house to see nothing I could use to make it seem ordinary. Great this is what like my 2nd time in one weeks endangering all the 'special people'! That's it I have no energy in me. I walked out of my 'house' to see Fawn and Kirsten approaching me...

"You guys my house is a little if you say abnormal!" I was shaking not knowing what to do! "Its fine we are all weird!" Fawns Italian voice seemed to stop making me worry, I love accents! I allowed them in my house and they looked around weirdly, they then stepped to the side and started whispering to each other!

Next thing I know I'm on the ground...

"What happened?" I say as I manger to get up. "Your fainted after we told you we knew you had superpowers!" Kirsten said in a tired yet sweet accent, tired as in sleepy. I then felt a ice pack slap straight onto my forehead... "Sorry but last time we told you, you fainted!" Ha I totally believed her with everything I had on my mind I guess I couldn't keep up! "I can't believe it first Bella then you omg, do you guys have superpowers?" I asked honestly I just wanted to sleep lol!

Then we talked and didn't work much on the project but we had lots of time!

When they both left I changed into my pjs and flopped onto my bed and then that was it I was fast asleep!


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