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I stood in the center of the living room, on the coffee table. The people of our "group" stood in a circle around me, expressions ranging from disbelief to triumph to fear. Why? Because I, to put it in Angel's terms, "snapped". How did we get here? Well, I had the brilliant idea to have the Equality League join our little team (Note the sarcasm).

So, today, we held a meeting, all of us.

Rose, Wren, Angie, Angel, Trent, Skylar, Axel, Addison, Kirsten, Fawn, Kalea, Will, Spencer, Vin, Xander, Nathan, Emily, and Nina.

Oh, and me. Don't forget me.

Wow, that list is getting long. 19 people in total. It makes sense we're having... Issues.

So I invited the Equality League to join us.

You can imagine the reactions I got.

When they came, everybody kind of split into different groups.

Needless to say, they all started fighting.

One could say it a started with Angel and Addison, not to point fingers or anything.

"Hey, watch where you're going." Addison snapped.

"In case you haven't noticed, it's a bit too crowded in here to watch anything." That was actually Wren, who had bumped into Addison.

"Well, try your best." Addison's voice dripped with venom.

"Don't talk to her that way!" Angel stepped in between them.

"I'll talk to her the way I want when she's run into me!"

"Addison, calm down." Nathan said, putting a hand on her shoulder. He looked at Angel. "She's sorry, right Addison?"

"Oh, what are you, her counselor?" Angel glared at him. "I think she can talk for herself. Right Addison?"

"Don't talk about him that way!" Addison said, brushing him to the side.

"Guys, please just-"

"Be quiet!" Both the girls said at the same time.

"Well, now you two." Will stepped into the mix. "That was very rude."

"Oh, who cares?" Angel said.

"I do!" Will exclaimed. "You just disrespected my teammate, and to extent me!"

"Boo hoo!"

At that point everybody started shouting.

For most, it was the Equality League, The Defenders and the Ex-Dark Siders fighting one another.

However, at the same time, another group was fighting for a different reason.

Over near the fireplace, the air smelled of ozone and lightning crackled outside. Little specks of snow floated down, and pictures and furniture floated in the air. Fawn's hair was on fire.

"She's my girlfriend!" Xander shouted at Fawn.

"Xander-" Kirsten was trying to calm him down.

"She's practically my sister!" Fawn screamed back.

"Fawn-" Vin was doing the same.

"It doesn't matter! I want her to come stay with me, it beats that old hotel you two have been staying in!"

"And I'm saying no!" Fawn's hair blazed so it almost reached to ceiling.

"Guys, I think it's my decision-"

"Kirsten, please." Fawn looked at her at the same time as Xander said:

"Kirsten, just don't come in this."

"I agree with her, it's her decision to make." Vin piper up.

"Vin, this doesn't concern you!"

"When my best friend and girlfriend are fighting, it kind of does."

I had to do something. All around me, my friends were fighting, some physically.

So I dealt with the safety hazards first.

I walked over to the fireplace.

Vin was the first person who noticed me. He gave me a faint smile, then backed off. He'd seen me angry only once, but he knew how I was.

I stepped in between Fawn and Xander.

"Both of you, shut it!" I shouted. "Don't you see what you're causing? Just be quiet for one and wait here!"

I turned and left, the three others speechless.

As I crossed to room, tensions rose and, suddenly, Wren flew into the elevator doors.

Addison stood, eyes wide, arm out.

"I didn't-"

"What the hell was that!" Angel exploded. "You just smacked her into the wall!"

Everybody started to shout at each other with renewed force.

Even the ones I'd shouted at resumed their argument.

I'd had enough. I stomped to the center of the room and stepped up onto the coffee table.


Everybody fell silent and turned to look at me.

And now you're caught up. That's what happened.

A/N~ Okay, we're really lost with this rotation. There's supposed to be only two or three rotations left, the book is almost done. However, because of Rose's wifi problem, we're seriously behind. So, just work with us, okay? You Geekies are the best! Thank you so much for staying with us through the craziness of it all.

Goodnight, Wattpad universe.

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