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I couldn't pay attention to anything, I was just thinking over the fight with the....Defenders, I think it was. I couldn't understand how they won with their teamwork, and most of them couldn't really fight either, After that Angel and I had a fight about the fact that I didn't use my powers, she says if I used them I might have actually won.


It had been a while since Angel had gone down to the lair, I was scowling sensing that she was mad at me so I stomped down stairs making sure she knew I was coming. The door was already open so I stormed in and grabbed the ivory bow on the ounter.

"Hey! I just cleaned that up!" she snapped.

I scowled at me. "You told me to train. So I'm going to train!"

"By train, I meant your powers!" she yelled,"The Dark Side is extremely powerful and always gets their way. If you can't control your powers to push them out of the way ERR will kill them!"

Suddenly a beeping sound filled the Lair. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"What's that?" I asked picking up the bow again and a quiver, looking around wildly.

"The Dark Side leader's calling, ERR. We'll finish this conversation later." she shot me a venomous glare. "Remember not to offend her. Don't talk about Angie and don't make her mad. On second thought, leave the talking to me."

-end of flashback-

Dear god, Erica was an idiot. Angel said that's what made the job fun, that she may be the boss, but we had the real control, AND we got paid. I felt brain cells dying just listening to her. "IDIOTA" as Fawn would say. I had only gone to school for 2 months now, and Fawn seemed the most.... seperated. Me and Kirsten got along well, I just felt instantly attracted to her, like something in me was telling me she was a good person. I called that something Elana, I don't know why, I could just call it consious but the name Elana just popped into my head and it seemed to fit pretty nicely. Kalea was sweet, and Bella was...... optimistic and peppy, but I liked her a lot. Addison was really the only one I didn't like and I could tell she didn't like me either. I really liked all the dark siders that Angel introduced me to, they were fun and accepted me immediately. I sort of felt bad for Angie, since she didn't know me and Angel were on the Dark Side, we had to lie to her about almost everything. 

I was also happy about the mission that ERR had given me and Angel, mostly because I didn't know that there was a super's hang out in "La Cafe", but then again I probably didn't know because it was only for... good hero's maybe even Dark Siders but definetly not Darkest Minds. That was the name of the league me and Angel were in because we were ERR's most trusted advisors.  We were gonna wait until the masqurade ball and break in because.... everything's better in a masqurade dress. That was also why we were gonna go dress shopping after school. By dress shopping I mean try out the dress we want and walk out in  the,um, oh and not to forget the part where we burn and kill anyone/anything that gets in our way. Shopping with the Dark Siders is the best.

Bella snapped me out of my thoughts with a wide grin. It took me a moment to remember where I was and what I was doing. Science class, third period. I groaned at the frog sitting infront of me and she giggled. 

"Shut up" I said turning my head slightly to her. but that only made her laugh more.

"by the way, wheres Angie?" she asked.

" at home sick" I answered simply. she nodded and started to probe the dead frog on the simple metal tray. I continued to doze off while she talked to me about stuff until the bell rang and I hopped out of my seat heading to the hallway. I walked extra slow so I could miss the begginging of french class. I heard a loud slam come from behind me and I whipped my head backwards. 

I saw a boy maybe alittle older than me getting slammed against the wall by a boy around twice my size and probably 2 years older than me. I swiftly walked back towards him pressing my hand against my hip.

The big guy smiled at me letting the guy fall to the floor.

"is there anything I can help you with, princess, don't be troubled by this nerd, I'm taking care of him" he said, with a grin spread on his face.

"it's not nice to bully why don't you leave him alone?" I said calmly. His smile turned into a frown and he put his fists up and stepped towards me menacingly. 

"do you have a problem with it?" he questioned continuing to inch closer to me. The "nerd" in the back looked worried but unwilling to jump in and help me. "big guy" was waiting for a response.

"yes, i do have aproblem with it" I said taking a large step closer, he looked surprised so I took that moment to punch  him in the gut so that his head whipped forward. when it did I grabbed his hair and brought up my knee against his face. I brought his head up to mine, his body somewhat dragging on the floor.

"it's not nice to bully, is it?" I asked. he just shook his head frightened, I let his head go and he slammed against the floor trying to slid up to his feet as he ran away. I turned to the "nerd"

"you okay?" I asked.

"yeah thanks" he stuck his hand out. I reached out to shake it.

"names Spencer" he continued.

"mines Wren" I replied, "nice to meet you Spencer, see you around" I said sliding my hand out of his and walking away.

"you, too" I heard him faintly reply as I turned the corner.

----------------------------------------- (later that afternoon, after school)

"Angel, I wanted to say I'm sorry we lost the fight" I said as we were walking home. She just shrugged.

"lets make sure it doesn't happen again though." she continued a little later.

"well, I had an idea, we need masqurade dresses, right?" I smirked mischeviously, she nodded finally understanding where I was going with my sentence.

"lets go get some dresses" she grinned.


hey reader, Spencer finally comes into play and the masqurade ball is nearing. I think I did okay with this chapter, what do ya'll think I could improve on? and I'm sorry this was soooo long but it was mega important. I'm also sorry it was such a filler. Spencers pic wil be on the sidelines. but if you cant see it, he's going to be played by the HOT Robbie Kay from OUAT (one of my favorite shows) Angie's chapter will be out on Wednesday, aaaaaaannddd thats a wrap, BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

heres a picture of him: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hudg4jdKTZ0/UmGCn8Z3qII/AAAAAAAAFWA/V_qz438Z7wc/s1600/Peter_Pan_OUAT.png

The Person on the Otherside of the Computerscreen                                                                                                 logging off

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