Scared To Death~Rose

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after Bella gave me the tour of her amazing house place we went to school.

"Ughh i hate school!!!" I said fusterated that we had school. Bella just laughed and said "don't we all". "True true" after we got to school me and Bella went our seperated and went our own ways. I had only one class with Bella wich really sucked. Cause i didnt know anyone at all. Everything was going fine untill third period wich was gym.

We were playing dodge ball and i stood by myself not knowing what to do or even knowing who my team was for that fact. Everyone threw a ball at me the second the game started. "Ahhhh" i screamed as they hit me. Everyone laughed at me but i shurged it off. I went to sit down cause i was out. Then i had a flash back of the guy who carried me home.

~Flash Back~

"Come on! You can do it!" The mystery guy said to me "im sorry its just to hard!!! I mean you try being a newbie at this whole crazy thing" i said back to him.

~End of short Flash Back~

Then fainted and my sight went blurry and all i heard were gasps and people running over trying to if i was ok then i blacked out. And next thing i knew when i woke up was that i was in the nurses room. "Nice to see you are ok. Its the end of school you were sure knocked out for a long time. Are you ok??" The nurse asked me. I just noded.

And i rushed out the room. I felt so worried and i ran out the school "this cant be real i never even talked to the damn mystery guy in my life this cant be real" i said to myself as i ran. Then it started to rain. Great just my damn luck. I ran like i knew where i was runing to. Then i heard someone screaming my name runing after me "ROSE!!! I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN SEEING THINGS!!!" it was a male i took a quick look "AHHH I DUNNO YOU LEAVE ME ALONE" i lied. I knew who he was it was the guy my flashbacks.

"I WON'T HURT YOU!!!" he shouted "I DIDNT THINK YOU WERE UNTIL NOW AHHHH" i shouted back and kept runing then ran into this alley. I could hear him get close.

"Ok don't fail me now powers" i saw a bunch of rats so i shape shifted into rat and blended in with them "ew ew ew" i thought to myself. >.<

"ROSE! Rose where are you??!??" The guy shouted as he walked in the alley. I hurryed and left the alley still in rat form then i changed back to myself and kept running.

I went into a coffe shope and went into the bathroom and locked the door "DaFudge does he want from me? Im nothing special. Hmm i wonder if he has anything to do with my nightmares hurting me..." i mummbled to myself then i peeked out the door to see if he was there and what are the odds he is. "How the hell am i gonna get out this one? I cant change into a animal or something leaving the bathroom people probaly noticed me come in here...AHA they probaly didnt see my face i did rush in here....heheh i can shape shift into someone else easy peasy" i shape shifted into a girl who looked nothing like me at all and i just took a deep breath and walked out like nothing was going on and i tried not to stare at the guy. Then i walked to some factory that wasnt in use anymore and was geting tore down in a few days. I decided to stay there for the night and not go back to Bellas just in case i don't get her in danger in anyway.

I found a comfy place to settle down and i walked back and forth for a while thinking what the guy could possibly want.


Yall like my update for today? Was it guuuuudddddd????? XD but for reall hope yall liked and enjoyed it. See yall later BYEZZ~ @timmytar

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