Rose~When She Was Bad.

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I stared at myself in the mirror admireing my dress. "So pretty and red.." then i looked at my mask it was all black with litte red stones on it. "This party is gonna be FUNNN" i walked over a desk and sat down and stared into a little mirror while puting make-up on. I decided to go light on the make-up so i just put foundation,Eyeliner,and blush. I tied on my masquerade mask. I got some flashes in my head that hurt and i screamed in pain. "Ahh" then i fell on the floor. And all of the sudden my nose started bleeding. I shook my head. Im not leting this wack stuff happen. At least not tonight. Then i got up and wiped my nose and smoothed out my dress with my hands. Then i walked downstairs.

Bella was waiting for me and she smiled exctied for the Masquerade ball. "Ready?" She asked ready to go. "Yeah but actually i gota make a stop first.." i said while walking to the balcony. "Oh ok ill go with you and are you ok? I heard you scream.." she sounded worried. "Yeah im fine i just uhhh...fell...and no i gota go alone. Its kinda personall.." she noded. "Ok i guess ill see you at the ball" i noded "yeah see you there Bella. And by the way the dress looks amazing on you." After that i just jumped of the balcony and i cheered."WOOHOOOO" i let my self free fall for a bit then i changed into a butterfly and flew to a liqour store then i changed back to myself and walked in.

I walked over to the beers and got one then i started to walk out. "Hey! You have to pay for that!!" The lady yelled out from behind the counter. I just sighed madly and just kept walking. "Im calling the cops!!" She yelled again. I walked back into the store and went to the counter. The lady just laughed "yeah thats what i thought". "Ok look here lady. We are going to try this again. Im going to walk out that door over there and your gonna let me pay free.99 and your ot going to call the cops. Got it?" I said with a bit of anger in my voice. "I dont think so missy. Your not even old enough to drink anyways." She said right back at me. I just rolled my eyes. And started walking to the door. "If you call the cops youll regret it." I said as i walked out. "IM STILL CALLING EM!!" She shouted. I walked outside and looked if anyone was around. No one was then i changed into a snow white wolf and walked into the store as the door slid open. "Is anyone there??" The lady asked. Luckily she didnt see me. I walked around to the other side of the counter. I could hear her dialing the cops. I growled loudly at her so she noticed me. She screamed scared and backed away from me as i walked towards her. "N-n-nice d-dogy" she said trembling. I jumped on her and attacked her. She screamed in pure pain. After i was done i changed back to my self. I bent down and checked her pulse. She was dead. I smirked "i told you would regret it" i got all the money then smashed the security tapes. I looked at the womans body one more time wich was now in a pool of her own blood. I laughed and just walked out the store and stuffed the cash in my purse. I walked away not looking back once.

As i arrived at the Masquerade ball i smoothed out my dress with my hands then i fixed my mask. I smiled and walked in. I walked in and set my purse down at a table. And i walked around admireing all the girls dresses and admired how all the guys got dressed up nicely for this. I found bella and walked over and sneaked up behind her "BOO" she jumped "Rose!" She laughed. "Haha sorry and i just wanted to say hi ima go dance now" i laughed and went over to my table where my purse was then i snuck under the table with my purse and drank the beer then i rolled it under another table.

I was abit tipsy. We Can't Stop by Miley Cryus came on the i cheered "MAKE WAY FOR THE MASTER TWERKER!!!" i said while going to the center of the dance floor and i started twerking "WEEE CANNTTTT STOPPPPP" i sang loudly and everyone laughed as they watched me."I SHALL TWERK ON YALL!!!" i screamed as i went up to random people who were standing near by then i twerked on them. "TWERK TWERK!! GUCCI MAMA TWERK TEAM!!!" i laughed as i kept twerking on people. Then i did the worst dance moves ever. "The SPRINKLER PEW PEW PEW WATERRRRR" and i did the moves that went with the dance. "THE WORM" I threw myself on the floor and tryed to the the worm but i falled and ended up rolling around the floor. "COME ON EVERYONE CHEER GUCCI MAMA TWERK TEAM YALLLL" and i started twerking on everyone and everything. I twerked against the wall. I twerked aganist the people. I twerked aganist tables. Everyone laughed and people actually cheered "Gucci Mama Twerk Team."

I saw some guy walk in i obviously didnt know who he was with that mask on his face. It was all black and he were a nice black and white tux. (Basically he wore a normal tux.) He walked over to me and laughed and he tryed to stop me from twerking but i ended up twerking on him....eventually he stoped me and whispered in my ear "someone had a little to much to drink." I laughed. "Whatever...anyways who the heck are ya sir??" i asked him leaning aganist him. He chuckled "aww dont tell me you forgot about me. Im mystery boy!" I smiled "awww mystery boy where have ya been i missed yeahhhh" i said as my words slurred. He just laughed. "Ive been around you just havent seen me. Anyways may i hav this dance?" He asked as a slow song came on. I nodded smileing "Of course" and we danced.

While we danced it felt like in the movies. Lik that dance in the cinderella story the one with Hilary duff and they danced outside all romantic. It was just like that.

"You know mystery boy? I grown to like you." He smiled "im glad you have Rose." I gave him a look "How do you know my name? That doesnt matter just tell me yours." He noded and said "im Ben..Ben Lavigne" we went at sat a table. "Well uhh Ben.." i laughed "its kinda weird not calling you mystery boy anymore." He laughed and noded

I decided to break the ice and ask him the question that i wanted answers for some time now..

"Who are you? Like not to rude or anything you just came out of no where..." i asked him. "No its ok and its complicated...well you know the dreams where you get hurt

and then you wake up and your actually hurt? Dont ask how i know about the dreams anyways your family is i guess a way to describe this thing is cursed in a way." "Cursed? To have dreams and get hurt then actually have the pain and cuts??" I said kinda confused. "No well yes and noo...its complicated but thats one way to put it cursed. I think we should talk about this a other day." I nodded.

"Oh and uhh Rose??" "Yeah?" "I know What You Did To That the Liqour Store.."


DUN DUN DUNN WHAT A CLIFF HANGER!!! tune in next time into my chapters to find out what happens. And who liked the twerking??? Huh? Huh? XD anyways tune in next time to

find out but for now just read the next chapter.

By the way if you wana see how Rose's dress looks like search up Killer Queen by Katy Perry on google images and thats the dress shes wearing. And mystery Boy is played by Austin Butler.

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