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Hellllllllllo there my non-existent reader. I guess it's time for my chapter. I'm gonna start from were the last chapter ended. so if you haven't read it yet then go fuckin read it now. enjoy~!
Fawn P.O.V

I look behind us and see that there's no one following use so I decided to take a breather and quit running for a bit.

"Hey. Let's stop running. I think we are safe." I stop running and look at the girl. Kirsten I think was her name.

"Oh ok." She stops running and looks at me waiting for me to say something.

"Um. Yeah?"

"Sorry. It's just what you did back there. Fire?"

"Yeah... Lets a talk more about this in the hotel.... What hotel is it again?"

"Hotel Chelsea."

"Isn't that place abandoned or something like a that?"

"Um yeah...." She looks down and start playing with her fingers. I guess she was embarrassed.

"Ha. No need to a look embarrassed~! Let's go now." I start walking towards the hotel with Kirsten following behind. Finally we get to the hotel and it's already dark outside and the only lights that were on were the street lights. And people called NY the city that never sleeps. What a load of crap. "We are here."

"Yes. Thanks a lot for helping me. In more ways then one..."

"Yeah. But I'm not walking home in the dark so I'm sleep here for to night."

"Yes~!" She squeaked and her British accent. "Oh... Sorry... I'm kinda lonely so the thought of someone sleeping over is a bit exciting.... Sorry again."

Wow she a little apologetic. "It's ok. I can understand your feeling of excitement. Now let's go in, We really need to talk. She looks and nods at me slowly and shows me to the room stayed in. With one big deep breath I walked in, put my backpack one her bed and sat on it to. "So you have powers. That's nice to know that I'm not the only one that's like this." Kirsten looks at me then smiles.

"Yeah. I thought I was the only weird one." She say as she sits down next to me.

"So you're calling me weird?"

"No! That's not what I meant!! I'm mean-"

I burst out laughing at the sudden apologetic sound in her voice. "It's ok. I was joking. But you sound really funny when your trying to explain everything to me."

"It's not funny!!" Kirsten says as she punches me softly on the arm.

"heh. Umm so when did you find out you had powers?"

"Oh a couple days ago on my 16th birthday."

"Oh really? My birthday was a couple days ago too. But I found out about my powers at a 13."

"Oh cool~! So you must be more experienced then me and really strong."

"Umm I a guess you could a say that. But the thing is on my 16 my powers have gotten stronger and I'm able to no even more then before..." I started to think about when I was 13 and when I burned down the Orphanage...... Killing the two infants.. But quickly came back to reality as I felt someone poke my shoulder.

"Hay? You still there?" Kirsten said as she looked at me bit worried. "Are you ok? You look a little pale."

"I'm a ok. I just started thinking about a something that happened along time ago.... Umm hey! I have an idea!"

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