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A/N: Hi there. Read the last chapter to understand a little more about what's going on.


"Nooooo!! I don't wanna!!" I whine as Kirsten drags me out the hotel room.

"Oh come on Fawn~! It's gonna be fun~! And it's only a dress." Kirsten laughed a little as she continued drag and pull my hand.

"Oh someone kill me now!!"

"What's so wrong about dresses?"

"I don't like them. When I was in italy I had to wear a dress every Sunday for church. The dresses were pink and white and I didn't start wearing purple or black or red dresses until I was 14." I say as I look at her.

"So like a year after you got your powers?" She questions.

"Yeah. A lot of stuff happened in those two years....." I say a bit sadly as I remember the orphanage and another memory that I've been hiding for so long...

"Fawn?" She stops and looks back at me. "I didn't mean to make you sad. I'm sorry.."

"It's ok! I'm not sad." I lied. "I was just thinking about somethings. That's all." With that I flashing a small smile at her trying to make her think that I'm ok.

She looks at me with a worried expression planted on her face. "I don't believe you. I know what happened at the orphanage since you already told me that. I feel like there's something you're not telling me. I'll let it slide for now, but you have to tell me later. Ok?"

"Finnnnne." She pats me on the shoulder and grabs my wrist and starts pulling my hand again.

"Now then~! Let's go get you a big pink puffy dress~!" She says excitedly.

"Wait.... Wait.... Nooooooooo!!! Why God!?!?! Damn you petunia!!" I yell as I raise a fist and shake a little in the air.

"Who's petunia?"

"Your boyfriend." I say grinning.

"Xander...." Kirsten bursts out laughing losing her grip a little on my wrist, not that it was that strong of a grip. "You're something different you know that?"


"Now lets hurry and go dress shoping."

I sigh. "Yeah, yeah."

We went to a couple dress stores but found nothing that appealed are interest. But Kirsten did try to put a big pink puffy dress on me, i ended up almost burning it.

"Kirsten there are no dresses." I say is I put my hands in my pockets of my black Jeans.

"Oh come on. We've only been to three stores. And there's like a thousand more in this mall."

"Yeah but I'm hungry now. Can we get something to eat before we go to the next store?" I say as I look at Kirsten.

"Fine. I'm hunngry too. But that also means after I eat I'm gonna say im hunngry again. Like i always do~!" Kirsten smiles.

"Fine with me~!" I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Then lets get going~!" She smiles and we start walking to the food court.

It takes about 5 mins to get there. We find an empty table. I put my backpack on my chair. The both of us get our food and go back to the table. I was first to get back at the table it only took about a minute to catch up to me.

"What did you get Fawn?" Kirsten asks as she takes a bite of her foot long that she got form subway.

"Extra spicy quesadilla~!" I say as I take two bites out of one of the slices. "Wanna try?"

"Last time I tried the food that you said was spicy, my tongue was on fire the whole day." She takes a sip from her soda.

"Haha! I remember that! That was so funny." I laugh a little as I take another bite.

"Shut up you twat." She say in a British accent.

Giggling I take another bite and ask. "Do you have the masquerade flyer?"

"Yeah. You wanna see it?"

"Yeah please." She pull it out of her back pocket and hands it to me. I look at it and quickly read it over a couple times and sigh. "Damn that petunia. Now I gotta wear a dress."

"Well Xander is pretty cool once you get to know him. Also while where at the masquerade you could meat a guy you might like."

"No why in hell."

"Wait? What? Whyyy??" She says a bit disappointed.

"Because no. That it."

"Fine. For now. But you will get a boyfriend. And I'll help you."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I pick up another slice of the quesadilla.

"I can't wait till the masquerade. Alex and I will dance and dance to romantic music." Kirsten says she looks longingly at her half eaten foot long. I think she's thinking about petunia. All of a sudden the table starts floating a little.

"Kirsten! Kirsten!" I say snapping my fingers in her face trying to get her attention.

"Wah?" She says as she comes back into reality also causing the table to fall back down. Luckily no one noticed the levitating table probably because it didn't float that high off the ground.

"Kirsten. What did I say about concentration?"


I sigh. "Kirsten you have to concentrate on things like this. Petunia has to concentrate too.  let's say you guys kiss at the masquerade then everything starts levitating and he starts shooting lightning and making the light bulbs burst. Like what you did to the classroom. If normal people see you guys doing that they'll take you away and separated you guys from the world and each other. I should know...."

"Fawn....? How do you....?"

"It's a long story.... I'll tell you another time... Kirsten can i ask you something?"

"Um... Yeah. What is it?"

"Can I help you? Help you learn how to concentrate?"

"Sure! That'll be great~! Thanks Fawn."

"No problem. I can help petunia too. Tell him for me?"

"Sure. Well I'm finished eating."

"Me too. Let's throw away our trash and get going to the next dress store." I smile a little and walk to the trash can with Kirsten to throw away our trash of course. We get going to the next dress store that awaits us. As I approach the big pink doors of the store I push them open and enter with Kirsten right behind me.


A/N: Hello my non-existent readers~! I finished my chapter for now amd I'm happy~! Tell me what you think? You likey? btw this chapter was writen by @VodkaLady~! I don't really like how it is. tell me what you think.

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