Chapter 8 •Kalea•

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I ran.

Not caring that I didn't have an excuse to run out of class but I did...

Curving around the corner like a drifting car, I swung the girl's bathroom door open and made sure it was closed.

I screamed in pain, hopefully not too loud. A pain I thought was not existent took up most of my body (more in my stomach and up, but still).

The pain took up my body, my mind only thinking of what could happen next...

It hurt, the feeling was unexplained. I don't think anyone has ever felt this before!

Suddenly green grass appeared on the bathroom floor... I heard a bird pecking on the door, chirping, wanting to get in.

The grass started to grow.

I dug my head into my hands. I didn't know what was happening!

The tall grass reminded me of when I was a child.

My mom, dad, and I were in a meadow, one we used to go to a lot when I was younger.

I wanted to have a race of who could get to the picnic table faster, and who could say no to a 6 year old, so we did...

As we were running, I was winning then a sudden lightning bolt stroke right in front of me as I fell!

I was unconscious for 1 and 1/2 weeks.

When I woke up I was not in a regular hospital. My parents called it a special people hospital.

But to this day I can't find it on a map, google, driving by... I question my parents to get no answer.

But it was a strike of lightning that has impacted me because to this day I've had something abnormal!

Not like a talent but a plant, on my leg their are pieces of the meadow grass there and they cannot be removed or explained, and each year more appear!

The grass is growing taller on the bathroom floor... I slide down the wall burrowing my head even deeper in my hands, wondering if I was going looney.

Then all of a sudden Diana storms in, I can see fire in her eyes.

The grass isn't there and the bird noise went away.

"What's wrong? I saw you run down the hall!." She gets out breathing heavily from running." I'm SO mad people were making fun of you some kid said WOW she's gotta be on her period, what a bunch of imature brats!!".

"Yeah i'm with you on that one, well I just feel kinda or alot sick." I stated while glancing down on the bathroom floor wondering where the grass went...

"Well, maybe you should go home or something. Oh, and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She sounded so happy for me.

"Oh yeah thanks I kinda forgot." The pain was too much to remember a simple thing like my birthday!

"What your 16 now isn't that great?!" She asked in a questioning tone...

"Yeah I guess... My parents didn't wish me you know?" I was mad they didn't say anything this morning but I guess it happens.

"Don't worry they'll probably do something real big later!" Diana sounded so positive I wonder if they will... Maybe

"Yeah probably well I'll just get cleaned up and head to the nurse thanks you always make me feel better!" She really did she's not my best friend for nothing!

"No thanks needed that's what best friends are made for!!" She's so helpful sometimes!

She walked out while I was getting up...

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