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hey guys this is probably the first and last time I'm going to put a A/N at the beginning of my chappies but thats what Bella (@SeaReader) told me to do. You MUST read Bella and Angel's chapter before this one to understand whats happening to a minimum but if you wanna understand it all please be sure you've read the whole 5th rotation. Hope you like this chapter, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-------------------------------------------------

         I woke up with a jolt, opening my eyes without any warning. Angie was sleeping on the seat to my left using her right arm to prop her up. It toke me a while to realize that I wasn't in my room or Angels house and after that the memories just came flooding in.


She fixed us with her icy gaze and raised her hands.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” I screamed tackling Angie and Angel towards the door. An agonizing burst of searing hot pain hit me. It was almost like lightning. It struck me so fast and so hard that I flew back into the wall and collapsed. Everything went black.

-End of Flashback-

I panted pulling myself into a sitting position because of the way my hands sunk into the soft cushy material of the bed. I did a doudble take when I realized I wasn't even wearing my own clothes. I tried to get up and emmidieately felt a pang on my left side. I lifted up the overgrown t-shirt I was wearing and saw a ACE bandage circling my up ribs. It was white everywhere but in the middle, where there was a big splotch of blood. I gasped quietly trying not to wake Angie up.

My whole body hurt and felt very stiff as I lifted up the furry covers that had earlier been draped over me. Swinging my feet to the side and planting them square on the cold wooden floor almost toke my breath away. I clutched my bloody side trying to put pressure on it as I got up. I clumsily stumbled over to the door tripping on everything in the way.

When I opened the door I fell on the floor stopping the conversation that Bella and Angel were having in front of my door. Angel collapsed to the ground next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked as Bella hovered over us worried. I weakly nodded.

"let's get you back in bed, you might not be able to get out of it for a couple of days" Bella said.

I nodded still not feeling that my voice would be powerful enough to speak. Bella strapped her arm around one of mine and Angel did the same on the other side as they hauled me up to my inbalanced feet. They walked me back into the room and dropped me on the bed. My rib was throbbing where it was bleeding and my breathes felt rapid and shallow.

Angel gave Angie a little nudge on the shoulder and she immediately woke up and looked at me. 

"are you okay?" she said asking the same question as Angel asked minutes earlier. I nodded again.

She pulled the side of my shirt up, exposing the ACE bandage.

"tell me if I hurt you" she murmured pullig at the side of the bandage. She slowly unraveled it until I could see the wound. It looked like a mixture of a gash/slice and a shot. I winced just looking at it and turned away.

She poured all of her healing powers into me and at first it was working but it stopped quickly. She looked tired and shocked.

"I can't heal it, ERR's power is to strong for me" she said looking guilty and upset. 

"It's okay" I whispered, "we need to close it or it will get infected.

"how" Bella asked.

"burn it up" I whispered. Angel shook her head "that's too  dangerous" she said

I smiled "I'm a dark sider, dangers what I do" I rasped out. Bella let out a weak smirk and nodded at Angie and she ran downstairs and came back up with a lighter.

Angel and Bella held me down as Angie flicked the lighter on and brought it closer to me. I closed my eyes trying to block everything out. When it finally started burning closed it was agony. I shrieked until my lungs felt raw and I passed out.


When I woke back up I was wearing a different shirt and had on a new ACE bandage. I lifted it up alittle to see the burned skin under it. I scowled and let it drop back down into position. This time there was no one in my room but the light streaming through the windows was enough to give me a headache. 

I tried to stand up again and found it 10 times harder but, I was a Dark Sider and I couldn't show pain or fear. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know I whispered to myself. I wobbled over to the door making sure not to fall again. 

I followed to twisting corridors wincing every couple steps. Going down the stairs was so hard and painful I almost passed out half-way. When I finally made it to what I thought was the living room I saw Bella, Angel, and Angie sitting in the living room talking in hushed voices. I knew that they were talking about me and slid into a corner to try and hear the rest of the conversation. 

I culdn't pick up everything, but I did hear small things like Wren, ERR, secret power, suck, powers,gone.

I stepped into full view moving to fast and my ribs started to hurt again.

"What about my powers?" I asked and they all turned to look at me.

"Well..." Bella said starting to explain something else.

"well nothing, tell me!!!!!!!" I almost yelled, "or I will use them on you"

A dark look pasted over Bella face.

"go ahead" she whispered menacingly.

I hesitated a second then thrust my arm forward expecting her to fly into the wall. She didn't. Nothing happened at all.

"what???" I asked disbeleivingly as I slowly back into the wall looking questioningly at my dry palms then flicking my gaze over at Bella.

"Thats what I was going to say Wren, I can't sense your powers anymore" She said in a powerful voice with a hint of pity, "I think their gone, stolen by ERR, that is her secret power, powersucking"

And that people, was the third time I fainted that day(s). 

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