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Rose and I stood off to the side of the boutique, me invisible while Rose had opted for a less orthodox change-into-a-mouse-and-scurry-away approach. I watched as the battle raged on. The sides seemed equal at the moment, however, the villains now had Angie on their side this time, so I wasn't sure how long The Defenders would last.

As I watched, Angel's forcefield failed. She'd lost concentration as Kalea's vine twisted around her ankle. She had to lean over and cut it free with her knife. The heroes stood, waiting for the villains to make the first move. I sighed inwardly. Rookie mistake. They were getting too confident, they'd blow it. I'd seen this many times before. The seasoned hero(s), in this case Jack and Spencer, would create a new league, in this case The Defenders failed. During the first fight, the hero(s) would help the new team, and they'd win. Then, they'd loose the second fight because the hero(s) wouldn't be there and the league would train little or not at all, while the villains had spent the past month or so honing their skills for the next battle. Sad, but this almost always happened.

I turned my attention back to the battle as Angie flew up with Angel next to her. Wren stayed on the ground. I wondered why she never flew. I had an uneasy feeling that she was hiding something, I just didn't know what. All villains could fly. Angie dive-bombed the Defenders who, startled, scattered. Then, after re-collecting themselves, the heroes charged. Fawn shot a quick blast of fire at Angel. An enraged Angel flew down to engage her. They began to fight, fire against knife. Kalea, on the other hand, made a beeline for Wren. Wren hesitated to use her powers and drew out 3 daggers from her belt instead. Kirsten glared up at Angie, who had her back turned at the time. She summoned a shelf and began riding it through the air like a surfboard.

"Traitor!" She screamed. A bunch of shoes flew up around her. She flung them at Angie, who spun around in the air to face Kirsten and dodged them all. She then landed on Kirsten's shelf to attack. It was kind of like watching a poorly written ballet, the punches and kicks made them look like they were flailing about insanely. Addison simply sped sround, surveying the area and speaking telepathicaly to the others. They were doing okay, but what happened when... That. Yeah, that was predictable. Wren shot Addison in the shoulder with an arrow. Whoah, I never saw the bow, though. It folded up into this little canister- Focus, Bella! This is not the time to geek out over a bow! As I turned my attention back to the fight, it began to go sour. Now that Addison was incapacitated, the villains had the upper hand. And they took it. Angel began to use her powers of manipulation now, backing Fawn up to the center of the store. Wren now used a mix of her daggers and bow, also forcing Kalea back. Angie found a lucky punch, and Kirsten flew off the platform, landing harshly on the lenolium floor. Angie flew down as Kirsten stood up.

The Defenders were in trouble now. They stood in a protective circle around Addison, doing what they could to help her. The villains were closing in, they were surrounded now. It was time for me to intervine. The villains, I knew, were capable of murder. And it appeared that Rose had the same idea. A little mouse was scampering towards the scene. I ran, still invisible, through the advancing villains and the Defenders. Throwing a small smoke bomb, I encased the Defenders and villains in a thick fog.

"Go!" I heard Rose say. "Run!" I felt the floor crack beneath my feet, and I realized that Kirsten was telekinetically picking it up so that they could run away. I moved over to the edge and jumped off just as it lifted up, and I heard Rose do the same. I ran to Rose and, grabbing her wrist, turned us both invisible before the villains could do anything. I pulled us over to the changing rooms so that when the villains left we could pretend we knew nothing. I went to one on the left and Rose went into one on the other side. I left the door open a crack. Rose and I watched as the villains got over their initial shock.

They turned to each other and Wren asked Angie something. Angie replied and they all laughed. Then, Angel began to direct them. She pointed to a blank wall and told them something. The two nodded, then Angel walked away. Wren slung a bag off her shoulder. She and Angie each got something out of the bag, the went to the wall Angel had pointed at. I looked over at Angel, who was walking to the cashier. She waved her hand, and the cashier fainted. I gasped. Rose looked at me.

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