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As I easily slid into my dress I couldn't help but think, I'm hideous. Why would anyone ever want to date me? Every girl has that voice though. I couldn't help but believe it. Even though it fit my curves perfectly, and everyone was telling me it looked beautiful. I don't mean to be an attention-whore but why was I cursed with this body? Why am I so ugly?

"Hey Angie , you still with us?" Wren knocked me out of my thoughts. I blinked a couple of times before nodding my head, with my curls bouncing and my heels clicking, We walked outside. Wren was bringing a weapon when I just needed my strength. We all piled into the car, my dress barely fitting. There were so many it turned out we had to take two separate cars. I took one with Wren and Angel with the rest following behind in Trent's mom's minivan. I'd say it was pretty hilarious. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Nathan. His highlighted blonde hair, his skinny but muscular frame. I began to question myself what this feeling was. I'd never had a crush before so this was all so confusing to me.

I was pretty much thinking the whole time until we arrived. We pulled up at the dance and parked the cars. I got out and immediately regretted wearing heels. Angel was wearing 5 ft heels and she looks all to calm for my pleasure, Wren confided combat boots in her purple dress. My feet started to ache by the time we arrived at the doors. There were men opening the doors for people and as soon as they opened the doors for us, everyone's eyes were on us. I searched the crowd, immediately finding Nathan. His eyes were on me, looking at me. I felt an upcoming blush on my face as we walked into the room.

This is going to be a long night.....................


hey everyone!!! just wanted to say hiii! anyways how did you like my chapter? In the middle of me writing, I got some bad news so it got short. sorry! but bless you if you sneezed during this and as always,

-the party is OUT~

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