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A/N: Hi •_•/ Here's my chapter~! ^~^ -VodkaLady/Fawn-


I sit at the edge or a bed that Kirsten is in. She had passed out. I know the reason why. She's been getting hurt more often. And I was never there to help her. What a friend I am.

"Fawn?" I look and see a sleepy Kirsten rub her half open eye.

"Oh hey Kirsten. Looks like you're up now. But you still need to rest." I say as I rustle her hair.

"Mhm..." Kirsten closes her eyes slowly, a couple seconded afterwords I here her soft snoring.

The door opens and the rich girl walks in, Bella. It's not that a hate her or anything I just don't see my self being her friend. she's to.... Preppy.

"Hey Fawn. How's Kristen?"

"Oh. She woke up. But I told her to get some more rest." Bella nods and looks at Kirsten.

"You should get back to training. I'll be here if she wakes up. Also if I need you I call you over." She gives me a soft smile. Grrr... All we've been doing these past weeks is training. Training, Training, Training. I know we all have to get stronger but just training like this won't get us anywhere. We won't know what to do when real fights come. God.

"I think training like this is good in its own aways but. Non of us will know waft to do when a real fight comes. Real fights are nothing like training. Bella please put what I say into some thought. I'm not trying to change the way you think I'm just trying to.. umm.. You know. I don't really know how to say it in English so I'll say it in Italian. Ci aiuti a lungo termine [1]." I can see the hard thinking on her face. She opens her mouth slightly but puts her hand over it to stop whatever she was about to say come out.

"I-I'll put some thought into it."

I walk out of the room with out another word.

Walk around I see everybody training. In the corner I see Angie showing Wren how to fight and different methods of punching. I hate Wren. She's hurt Kirsten 1 to many times. Just thinking about it gets me mad!

My fist balls up and I feel like punching something really hard. I walk over to a punching bag and punch it once and make it break off its chain and hit the wall. It broke in half.....

'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!' I thought as I see that everybody's eyes on me. "Umm..."

"Nice going Fawn." I hear Wren with a bit or anger and hesitant. As if she wasn't to sure if she should of said that or not.

"Wren. At lest I can punch." I voice was harsh and rube.

"Hey don't gang on Wren like that. At lest she didn't break the punching bag." Angie says as walks to me.

God not this again. "I didn't gang up on anybody. She's the one that haaaad to say something."

"Please don't fight!" I hear to my left and see Bella with a worried look on her face. "Just forget about it. Okay? The punching bag isn't that important anyways. I can get a new one and there's plenty more."

"I wasn't gonna fight anyone unless they start it first. So why don't you tell this kindergarten over here to back off." I say with my arms crossed.

"Your moms a kindergarten."

My heart sinks. There she goes again with that 'your mom' joke... I hate it. ((A/N: NOT REALLY!! It's really funny so don't take it like "oh that little... IM A SLAP HER SO HARD AND CUT HER STOMACH OPEN!!" I like my stomach the way it is thank you. >~<))

I head quickly snaps back and I look Angie straight in the eyes which I can tell makes her a little uneasy. "Well for your information I don't have a mom. Or dad or brother or sister or anybody." I guess nether do a lot of people in here. I guess most or the people in here don't have family either. But for some reason it really hits me hard to think about it. I feel like a brat...

"Fawn..." I here a soft voice say in a British accent, Kirsten.

I feel someone's hand lay on my shoulder. "Hey-" I walked away not bothering to say anything or to see who's hand was on my shoulder.

I walked out the door. 'I'm going to the library!' I scream in my mind.



[1]Ci aiuti a lungo termine: Help us all in the long run.

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