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I watched the clock as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I looked at the desk next to me for what felt like the millionth time. Fawn's not here today. Well she was, but now she's not. She wasn't at lunch and I haven't seen her since second period.

I'm getting worried by the minute. She might be in trouble right now and I don't even know it. What if she's hurt? Is she with anyone? Who would it be then?

Loads of questions began filling my brain before I quickly snapped myself out of it. I need to get home. I gathered my things quickly and a bit clumsily before I noticed the classroom was completely empty. Even the teacher was gone.

"Kirsten?" I heard a hushed voice say. I looked to see Xander at the door. "What's taking you so long?" His tone was a bit shaken.

"Oh, sorry." I reached for my bag and stopped when I saw two small folded pieces of paper on my desk. They had mine and Fawn's names on them, printed neatly in red ink. I picked them both up quickly as well as my bag and walked out of class with Xander.

We were both quiet while walking home, nothing like we usually were, where we would talk endlessly about random stuff or chase each other mindlessly, laughing our heads off. We didn't even hold hands. We kept a fair distance away from each other as we get lost in our own thoughts.

I kept staring at the two pieces of paper in my hands and decided to open one of them. "Are you sure about this, Kirsti?" Steven asked out of nowhere, causing a sharp headache to hit me.

I winced, gripping my head. "Yea, I'm sure. Now shh... please."

I carefully unfolded the one with my name on it before Xander took my and turned me around to face him.

"Kirsten, I'm really worried about Fawn." His black and blue bangs half covered his eyes but they were still visible through his lenses.

I couldn't help but look at him with a bit of shock. He called her Fawn. "What happened to heat head?" I asked.

"Kirsten, I'm serious." He said. "I saw her go up to the teacher in third period. She asked him something and then left. I was waiting for her to come back so we could keep working, but she never came back. Did you see her anywhere at school after lunch?"

"Nuh uh. The last time I saw her was in second." I muttered.

"Fawn..." He said quietly as he directed his eyes to the ground. "What if something happened to her?" He cares about her. He really does. They would always tease each other and fight. I'd never seen Xander like this. Sad, worried out of his mind, especially for Fawn of all people.

He looked up at me, his electric blue orbs searching mine. "Kirsten? Say something."

My heart began hurting and my grip got tighter on the two notes. Without saying a word to Xander, I spun around and ran home as quickly as I could. I heard him yell my name, but I kept going. "I need to see Fawn," I said to myself. "if she's even home..."

I stopped after a while when I felt exhausted. I gasped for air even harder than usual and held my head in my hands in pain. That collision with the wall at Masks seriously could've killed me. Tears were pricking at my eyes, but they didn't come out.

After only a matter of fifteen seconds, I felt Xander pull me into him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. "Kirsti, you can't do that. You're not in good shape. Please... just don't do that again, yea?"

I nodded into his shoulder as I kept trying to catch my breath. I felt a few small raindrops on my head. Xander's breaths were slow as he held me tighter. He was worried to death and I just made it worse for him.

"C'mon, let's go." He let go of me and held my hand.

I didn't say anything. We walked home in silence again. More rain fell on the streets. I looked at Xander every once in a while. His head hung low and his eyes darkened a bit. He was deep in thought and it caused the rain to fall harder.

After twenty minutes, we got to the hotel, completely drenched. Xander let go of my hand and pulled his bangs out of his eyes. He pulled me into a quick kiss then frowned a bit. "Fawn will be okay."

"Let's hope." I sighed, out of words.

"See you tomorrow." He left one last stroke on my cheek and started walking away.

I walked toward the stairs and loosened my grip on the two notes, which were still in my hand and surprisingly dry. I opened mine without a second thought and read it.

"Meet me at 1045 Hart Lane, NYC" The note simply said. There was no signature from the sender. Just the address.

"Uh Kirsti, are you sure this is safe?" Steven asked quietly.

"Shh." I told him quietly.

I kept staring at the note, reading it over and over again. After some time, I found myself at our apartment door. I fumbled with the keys, beginning to panic a bit. More thoughts about Fawn swirled through my head.

I opened the door and found Fawn sitting on the bed. I let out a sigh of relief, but stopped myself when I got a good look at her. Almost half of her bright red hair was a flaming blue. Her face buried in a blanket, which she held in her hands. Soft hiccups were coming from her. Fawn was... crying.

"Fawnie?" I carefully walked towards her. "Fawn, are you okay?"

Her hair flamed red quickly as she looked up at me. "K-Kirsten I..." She stared at me, trying to speak but failing.

In three seconds, she burst into tears and buried her face in her hands again.

"Fawn!" I ran to her and quickly hugged her.

She kept sobbing with only one sentence coming from her.

"It's all my fault."


Author's Note

Hey there geekies! This, ladies and gents, is the product of two hours on a couch listening to random music. Writer's block got me again, but luckily I managed. So how's the chappie? Good? No? I honestly don't know. It might be a bit long too. Again, irdk. My mind's everywhere today.

Okeh geekies, you know what to do. Please vote/comment/share if you liked the chappie. Fawnie's chappie will be up this Monday. Bai everybody! See you in a matter of three weeks! ~ Kirsten xoxo

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