He bothers you

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*You are reading a book when Harry walks in*

Harry- Are you watching this

You- *Still reading the book* Yeah Harry

Harry- *Sits on the couch and looks at the T.V and starts to tap his foot*

You- *Still glued to your book*

Harry- *Laughs at you and tries to grab the remote but you grab his hand* What?

You- Don't you dare touch that remote, I like watching Dance Moms

Harry- Your not even watching T.V, your reading that book

You- And your point is?

Harry- I'm turning it to golf *Reaches for the remote one more time but you grab his hand again*

You- NO!

Harry- Let me watch T.V or your gonna pay for It

You- *Laughs* What you gonna do? Tickle me to death?

Harry- Actually, Yes.

You- 0.0 Harry you better not!

Harry- *Starts to tickle you*

You- HARRY! *Throws book and tries to leave*

Harry- *Grabs your hand and pull you back and continue to tickle you*

You- *Fall off of the couch*

Harry- *Looks at you while laughing* I told you that you were going to pay

You- *Rolls eyes and laughs*

Harry *Sits on the couch and watches golf and right when a player was about to get the golf ball into the hole, the T.V shuts off* WHAT!?!

You- *Holds the T.V pluge in your hand and twirling it around* You made me lose my page in the book.

Harry- *Laughs* My kitten

Harry styles Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now