Accidents Happen for a reason

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This imagine is dedicted to harrystwinsister.....She was the first person to wish me a happy B-Day today and she always votes for my imagines :) Thank you harrystwinsister, If your reading this :)


 You wrapped your arm around Harry, your best friend, helping him up the stairs. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” you said running a bath for him. 

He didn’t protest. You turned away, while he slid into the tub. “Thanks, (Y/N),” he groaned wincing from pain as his achy body hit the warm water.

“Now, Harry,” you smiled wringing out a sponge and lightly patting the cuts on Harry’s face. “How did this happen?”

He winced away from you touch at first, then he started feeling better. “Football with the guys,” he croaked. “Niall accidently kicked me and I fell.”

That’s all he had to say. “Shh,” you soothed dipping your sponge back into the water. “Let me take care of you.”

You began washing Harry’s chest, making sure you got ever cut clean. You didn’t realized how low you were going, until you accidentally grab his thingy thing. “I’m sorry,” you gasped snatching your hand out the water. “I didn’t mean-”

But you were cut off by Harry. “It’s okay,” he whispered pulling you closer so that your lips met his. *GIF*

You enjoyed the moment, before pulling away in shock. “What was that for,” you gasped running your fingers against your lips.

“I love you, (Y/N),” Harry admits shyly. “I didn’t realize it until now, but I love you.”

You were so shocked you didn’t know how to react. You have been waiting for this moment forever. “I love you too,” you smiled leaning down kissing him again.

Never had you imagined that the boy of your dreams, your best friend, would tell you he love you. Harry deepened the kiss making this one of your best memories ever.

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