The Ferris Wheel

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Rubbing your eyes, you yank open your fridge surprised to see a note resting on top of your chinese food. You glance around your apartment suspiciously before yanking it off. Your eyes quickly scan the note before scoffing at your boyfriend’s cheesiness.

Meet me at 12 at the Boardwalk. Wear something gorgeous :)


Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to play along, you dress in the best outfit you own before catching a cab to the boardwalk. When you exit, you notice the place is unusually empty. You hesitantly approach before you spot Harry leaning against the railing of a booth.

“(Y/N),” he calls your name enthusiastically. “I rented out the whole place for us! We don’t have to wait in any lines!” You want to point out that renting the park was unnecessary, but he’s excited that you just allow him to carry on with his plan.

“Let’s go on the ferris wheel,” you suggest. “I haven’t been on one in ages!”

“Not yet,” he dismisses your idea with a lazy hand wave. “We have to end with that. I want this date to be perfect, so we have to go in order.”

You laugh allowing him to drag you towards a the rides. After two hours of nonstop fun, he leads you to the ferris wheel. You can tell he’s nervous, but you ignore it. The two of you climb into your seat cheering in joy as the wheel slowly raises the two of you up.

“Holy shit,” you lean over the edge in amazement, “I can see everything from up here.”

He smiles and wraps an arm around you. “Yeah, I know. Actually, I have a question for you.”

“What is it?” you ask still admiring the view.

“I - I want you to know that we’ve been dating since Freshman year of high school, and that’s been 12 long years. We’re reaching the end of our twenties, and I know that you’re the woman for me,” you turn to look at him. “(Y/N), will you marry me?”

He pulls out a ring hand carved by your favorite Italian jeweler, and you can’t help but gasp. It was the same exact ring that you had pointed out in a catalog during your senior year of high school. Harry had promised that he would get you the ring, but you never thought he would remember.

“Yes, oh shit, yes,” *GIF* you eagerly slide the ring on your finger before kissing him. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too.”

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