Bonnie and Clyde

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Harry’s POV

I ran into the car holding my gun in my right hand and an overstuffed backpack in my left. You look at me, smirk, then drive off into the New York traffic. Behind us, the cops are just arriving at the scene. I watch them investigate in the rear-view mirror until they’re nothing more than a speck in the distance. You keep driving until we reach the highway and only them to a lower my gun and slide my mask off.

“Where are we going now?” you ask. Your fingers run through your hair.

“Hmm,” I lean back in the seat, propping my feet up on the dashboard. “We’re going to DC.”

You pull over to the next lane before turning onto  a road in a secluded part of the city. You slowly park the car then turn to look at me. I can see the pain in your eyes, *GIF* and I lean over to cradle your face in my hands.

“Baby, I promise this is the last robbery. When we get to DC, I’ll -”

The sounds of gunshots interrupted my sentence. I looked up, surprised to see cops standing outside aiming guns at our car. You grabbed onto me in fear, and I pulled you out of the driver’s seat, moving you so that you were in the backseat.

“Harry,” you looked outside nervously.

“Baby, look at me,” I held your face in my hands. “It’ll be OK. Everything will be OK.”

You watched me in fear as I slid out of the car with my hands up. I glanced back at you, offering you a small smile. The tears spilling out of your eyes damn near made my heart break, and I forced myself to look away as the cops wrestled me to the ground.

“Harry!” You threw open the door rushing towards me, and a cop grabs you, pinning you against the car. “Harry!”

“Don’t touch her!” I yelled. I stood up ready to grab the cop, but something hits me in the head forcing me back to my knees.


I can hear the sounds of scuffle followed by a gunshot. I look up in fear, watching as you held your stomach. My mouth went dry as I saw the blood stain on your shirt grow. I yelled out in anger, rushing towards you. I knelt down beside your body grabbing your shoulders.

“Baby,” I whispered. My voice cracked, and I could hear the cops behind us calling for an ambulance. “Baby, don’t die on me.”

You smiled coughing up some blood. “Harry, baby. I love you.”

“(Y/N), c’mon,” I said blinking back tears. “Don’t say it like that; don’t say it like it’s our last time seeing each other.”

Your eyes closed, and I watched as your breaths stopped. I screamed out in anger grabbing your face. “(Y/N)! God damn it, baby; wake up!”

Hands grabbed my shoulders forcing me away from you, and I fought harder trying to get to you. I was forced to the ground, and I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see you lying there. I was your Clyde and you were my Bonnie, but it wasn’t supposed to end like this. We were supposed to get away and live together until we grew old. You weren’t supposed to leave me.

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