Home Alone

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Harry’s POV

“Shit, shit. Shit,” I muttered, searching under the table for my son. I looked away for two seconds, and  now he’s gone. Even though he can’t walk, he can crawl at the speed of light, I swear. *GIF*

I glanced around the couch, then under a few pillows. Still no sign of Edward. I went to search under the desk, when the phone began ringing. Crap. It was (Y/N).

“Hey babe,” I said, hoping that she would believe everything was alright.

“Hey Harry. How are things going over there?”

“Umm, they are going great,” I lied.

“Are you sure? I can come home early if—” She began, but I quickly cut her off.

“No,” I blurted, before I even realized what I was saying. “I mean, Nooo I got this. You go have fun with your friends.”

“Okay Harry,” she replied, skeptically. “But if you need anything call me.”

“Okay bye.” I quickly hung up the phone before she could ask me anything else. I hated lying to (Y/N), but I didn’t want her to know I couldn’t handle my own son.

I heard a loud bang in the kitchen. I sprinted to the kitchen, hoping Edward didn’t hurt himself. I found him with a bowl of spaghetti on his head. I sighed heavily picking him up, and carrying him to the bathroom.

When he was clean, I really needed to relax, so I took him to my art studio. “You stay right here,” I said, placing him on the floor near my desk. He just drooled in response. “Okay then.”

I began sketching on one of my latest pieces. I guess I got a little caught up because the next thing I know I hear Edward giggling, and I knew that wasn’t good. I turned around, praying he wasn’t holding anything sharp. To my luck he wasn’t holding anything sharp, but he was cover paint from a sculpture I didn’t even realize was wet.

I got up to grab him, but he crawled away laughing, leaving a trail of paint behind him. “Come here you little monster,” I muttered, chasing after him.

He crawled all around the room knocking cans of paint on the floor in the process. When I finally had cornered him, I heard a voice behind me.

“What is going on in here?” (Y/N) gasped.

I picked up Edward, then slowly turned around preparing to be yelled at, but she didn’t yell. When she saw Edward and I both covered in paint, and the mess around us, she bursted out laughing.

“If you couldn’t handle him, you could have told me,” She laughed, taking him from me.

“But I can,” I disagreed, dusting off my hands.

“Clearly,” she giggled, motioning to the wrecked room around us.

I frowned, and when she saw my look she stopped laughing. “I’m sorry,” She smiled, kissing me on the cheek. “But next time do better. Now who needs a bath?” She exclaimed, making Edward laugh. “You do. And so does your father.”

“Maybe you can join me,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Mmm, but then who would clean up your mess,” she replied. I frowned and she laughed, then exited the room.

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