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“Mommy, mommy,” Darcy, your daughter, whined tugging on the end of your shirt.You and Harry were walking in the mall when Darcy spotted the Build-A-Bear workshop.

“Mommy can we go there,” her little girl asked still holding onto the end of your shirt.

“I don’t,” You start off saying, but Harry cuts her off.

“Anything baby girl,” he smiled at Darcy while grabbing her hand. You gave him a look as the three of you head into the store.

You frowned not wanting to stay long, but the store was huge. Darcy immediately got lost in the choices of bears, clothing, and shoes. As Darcy takes off to make her bear, Harry slipped his hand into yours. 

“You know we don’t have time,” You sighed as you two followed your eager baby girl as she makes her bear. 

“But I was going to make you a bear,” Harry whines smiling at you. You raise your eyebrows at him surprised as he leads you over to pick out a bear. He picks out a bear, and so does little Darcy.

After choosing a bear, you three head over to the stuffing station where you bring the bear to life. The man running the station gave Darcy and Harry a heart and told them to make a wish. Darcy held the little heart in her hands and squeezed her eyes shut making a wish. After the wishes were made they named and dressed  the bears. 

“What did you wish for,” You asked Harry curiously as they made their way over to the next station.

“All my wishes have come true,” he replied grinning at you. “I have a beautiful wife and daughter.” You blushed and then you left Harry to his bear making as Darcy was already done dressing her Build-A-Bear.

“What are you going to name it,” You asked as you helped Darcy reach the computer to type the birth certificate. Darcy had dressed her little bear up as a princess

“Cinderwella,” she responded hugging the bear.

“Cinderella it is then,” you smiled while typing in the name. Harry was still working on his bear. After You had purchased the bears and clothing for Darcy, you and Darcy waited for Harry to finish.

Harry came over holding his masterpiece. Harry had made himself in bear form. Harry was trying to make the hairstyle right on the little wig that he had put on the bear. You laughed at how silly Harry was being. “I named him Dr. Loon,” Harry said proudly handing you the bear.

“Wow it looks just like you,” you giggled accepting the bear from Harry.

“It’s so you won’t get lonely while I’m on tour. It’s my mini me,” *GIF* he responded as you all made your way out the door.

“I love it,” you replied kissing Harry sweetly on the cheek.

“I knew you would like it,” he smiled. “Now aren’t you happy we came in.”

You rolled her eyes and took Darcy hand and walked out the store. “What,” Harry called, then quickly followed after you, wrapping his arm around your waist and walking to your car.

Harry styles Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now