Coffee Shop

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Your POV

I sighed heavily, resting my head on the counter my mind running a million thoughts a minute. *GIF* I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, someone was shaking me. “What? What? I’m up. I’m up,” I exclaimed, wiping the drool from the side of my face.

My eyes began to focus on the person in front of me. “Oh it’s just you Harry,” I sighed, propping my head up with my elbow.

“Long day?” He asked, sitting on the counter next to me.

“It’s always a long day. This place is dead. No one comes here,” I muttered, watching the rain fall outside.

“I come here,” he smiled, watching the rain with me.

“Exactly, no one,” I laughed, getting up and heading for the back. “You want your usual?”

“Yeah,” he called after me. After a few moments, I handed him his usual coffee. 

“Why do you come here, when there’s a Starbucks up the block?” I asked, pulling myself on the counter next to him. 

He continued staring out the window, and for a brief moment I swore I saw him blush, but it passed as quickly as it came. “I don’t know,” he finally replied, he quickly slid down off the counter. “I should be going.”

“See you tomorrow,” I sighed, watching him pull his hood over his head, and head out the door. 

I decided to close shop early. It’s not like anyone, but Harry was going to show up anyway. I climbed into my car and head home. The rain was coming down so hard, I didn’t even notice someone was standing in the street. I quickly swerved, so I didn’t hit them.

I got out my car, running over to the person. “What are you doing out here?” I said tapping the person on the shoulder. He turned around, and it was Harry standing right there in the rain.

“Oh, it’s you,” I said, shocked that it was Harry there out in the rain. I wasn’t expecting to see him.

“I was going back to see you, but my car broke down,” He laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

“Why were you going to see me?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at me. I could feel my heart starting to beat faster.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. “Because I like you (Y/N),” he smiled. “I’ve been coming to your shop everyday, hoping one day I would get the courage to tell you.” 

His touch sent electricity through my body. “You like me?” I asked, leaning closer to him.

“Yes,” he replied. “You’re all I think about.” He leaned down closing the space between us kissing me passionately.

When we pulled apart, I traced his lips with my fingers. “And I thought you came because of my coffee,” I smirked, wanting to kiss him again. As if he could read my mind, Harry leaned down kissing me again.

I would have stood there kissing him all day, if a car didn’t start honking at us. “Get out the fucking road,” they yelled, then drove by angrily.

Harry took my hand pulling me to the side of the road. We were laughing so hard I had to grab my sides to keep from falling over. Harry laced his fingers with mine. I smiled admiring the way my fingers fit perfectly in between his. 

“So, how about we get out this rain,” I smiled, pulling Harry toward my car. “We can order chinese.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Harry replied, and with that we ran to my car.

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