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Harry’s POV

“And this is your room,” I said, scanning the empty room with his camera. “You’re mother insisted on painting the walls herself.”

I slowly paced the room making sure to capture every little detail from the New York skyline on one wall to the quotes, I insisted she include on the wall. I was so focused on the room that I didn’t even hear (Y/N) waddle up behind me. 

“There you are,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around my waist, her belly poking me in the back. “You left me downstairs with the movers. You know I can’t carry all the boxes by myself.” 

She pouted, which she knew drove me crazy. “I’m sorry, babe,” I smiled, kissing her on the forehead. “I just wanted to get the room, before we added the furniture. Here say something to the camera.”

“No,” she giggled, ducking away from my view. “Not like this. I look a hot mess. You don’t have to film everything you know.”

“I do. You know I do,” I explained, pointing the camera back at her. “I want our baby girl to know what we went through. Our life unedited. Maybe she can learn from our mistakes.”

“What mistakes?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at me. 

“The mistake of letting you paint this room yellow,” I smirked, earning a playful smack from (Y/N).

“I pick the color, you pick the quotes. That was our deal,” she said rolling her eyes.

“And I do say, I picked some good ones,” I replied proudly.

“Do tell,” she said with mock enthusiasm, taking the camera from me. “I want to get this on tape.”

My eyes wandered to the wall behind me, where my most favorite quotes were, written in (Y/N)’s neat cursive. I scanned the wall, trying to find a good quote to say to the camera.

Never waste an oppotunity to be with the one you love,                                                                         because you never know, tomorrow could be too late

“Earth to Harry,” (Y/N) sang, eyeing me questioningly. “Come back to us. The boxes can’t move themselves.”

“Sorry,” I said, snapping back into reality. (Y/N) dutifully returned the camera back on me. “I guess the reason we put these on your wall to remind you that you should enjoy your time with us while you can because one day we won't be with you. You might have wanted to go out with some friends in the future, while your mother and I had something special planned for you. And the next thing you know, we won't be on this earth any more. So, enjoy us while you can, Kitten”

“Well worded,” (Y/N) laughed, handing the camera back to me. “Now let’s move these boxes.”

“Wait, not so fast,” I replied, stepping in front of her and pointing the camera back on her. “Do you have any advice for our daughter?”

“Never ask your father for anything. He gets easily distracted,” she replied, turning and waddling around the room.

“No I don’t,” I whispered into the camera. “Your mom get’s more distracted than I do.”

“I heard that,” (Y/N) called from the hallway.

“She has ears like a hawk. Nothing gets by her,” I whispered into the camera. “Good luck with us, Darcy.” 

“Harry come on,” (Y/N) yelled again. I quickly shut off the camera, and followed (Y/N) to help her move into our new house.

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