Rain On Me

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Your POV

I stood scanning my many bruises in the mirror. I winced from pain the ice pack I placed delicately on my face. I feel like I’m dying internally. How could I let things go so far? How could I believe he loved me, when I knew this wasn’t what love’s about? The scene from a few moments earlier replaying over and over in my head.


I stormed into the house slamming the door behind me. “How could you just leave me there standing like an idiot,” I yelled crossing the room to where Harry was standing. 

“You seemed fine to me soaking up all the attention. Ignoring me completely,” he said shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 

“I wasn’t,” I replied throwing my arms up in the air. “I needed you to be there for me and you weren’t you left me there alone, when I needed you the most.”

“Whatever,” he said rolling his eyes at me.

“Whatever! Whatever! All you have to say to me is whatever,” I questioned him getting up in his face. He began clenching his jaw and his fist with anger, but I continued.

“You know you’re just jealous,” I yelled poking him in the chest. “You can’t stand that I’m more famous than you,” but my attack was cut short with an abrupt fist to the side of my face bringing tears pouring down my face. *GIF* I reach up and touched the side of my face already feeling a bruise forming.

“Don’t you ever ever talk to me like that again,” he growled grabbing me roughly and throwing me up against the wall. I felt so helpless with him towering over me like that, but I needed to get away from him. 

I fought to get free accidentally elbowing him in the face causing nose to bleed. At the sight of his blood I ran locking myself in the guest room. I hid myself in the corner hoping he wouldn’t find me. As his footsteps grew closer, I began to panic my breaths becoming shallow. 

“I know you’re in there,” he yelled from the other side of the door. When he realized it was locked he became angrier. “(Y/N) if you don’t open this door,” he yelled banging on the door. Hearing the wood creaking made me even more terrified. I began rocking holding my knees tight against my chest. 

“I’m breaking the door down,” he called slamming his body into the door.


*Flashback Over*

I gently traced the bruises on my body wiping away the blood and cuts. From my face to my legs I was covered in bruises. Lord, won’t you take this pain from me. I don’t wanna live, I don’t wanna breathe. I stared at the woman in the mirror. Who is she? Letting her boyfriend beat her and still sticking by him. Waking up nights terrified that he would hurt her again and yet she stays. She always stays.

harry came into the bathroom. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. He took a step closer to me reaching out as if to touch me. I took a step back out of his reach. “What have I done,” he whispered letting his hand fall sadly to his side. “(Y/N) what have I done?”

We stood there for a moment just staring at eachother, then he took a step forward and I let him wrap his arms around me wincing from his touch. “I’m so sorry,” he sobbed muffled through my hair. “I’m so so sorry.”

I knows he’s lying, but yet I always takes him back.

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