Sticky Mess

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*You were at home watching T.V when Harry burst through the door*

Harry- Y/N, UPSTAIRS. BATHROOM, NOW, HURRY. *He runs up the stairs*

You- *Confused and worried, you run upstairs and go into the bathroom* Harry what's wrong?

Harry- This *Turns around and shows you the huge wat of gum stuck in his hair*

You- *trying not to laugh* Who did this Hazza?

Harry- Niall and Louis thought that It might be fun to prank me back because I drew on their faces when they were sleep. Just get this out of my hair!

You- Ok Ok *Walks over and looks at it* Now how are we going to fix this?

Harry- Just please fix it Y/N

You- *grab a chair* Sit down Haz

Harry-*Sits down* Hurry please

You- *Roll your eyes and try to comb it out*


You- I might have to cut it Haz.

Harry- THE FUCK!! 

You- Well nothing else Is working, Its too much gum Haz

Harry- *Bury his head in his hands and sniffs*

You- Are you crying?

Harry- NO *Sniffs again*

You- *Looks at him with sad eyes but then you come up with an idea* Take off your shirt

Harry- I'm not in the mood

You- *Rolls your eyes* Just take off your shirt Harry

Harry- *Takes his shirt off* Now what

You- Get on your knees and put your head over the tub

Harry- *Looks at you crazy and does it*


You finish washing his hair and drying it for him

You- There you go Haz! Your gum free!

Harry- Thank you baby *Kisses your lips* 

You- Your welcome *You try to walk out but he pulls you back*

Harry- Your not free to go

You- Harry, your crazy

Harry- *Slowly closes the bathroom door*

Harry styles Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now